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29 September 2001 : This is Temporary Title

Well, we gassed up the Death Trap all the way.. Again, more off camera hysterics happened, but I'll let those involved talk about that.
- Traegorn
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cAt commented that...
Somehow I managed to spill gas in my car, on Gahleon, and my I go into the women's bathroom to wash up. The men's bathroom was rather unclean according to Trae's report, so Gahleon decided to come in with me. I start laughing, then proceed to spill liquid air freshener on me and the floor. Gahleon decided to wash his shirt off, then put some of the spilt air freshener on it as well....We both come out of the bathroom giggling hysterically and wreaking of soap and air freshener... who knows what the locals and woman at cash register thought. I drove around with the windows open until we could breathe normally without ventilation.
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commented that...
Anyhow, Kat and I wandered into the gas station's bathroom, me to clean that f*cking gas stench off of my shirt, and her to... whatever. I check out the men's bathroom, only to discover that if I washed my shirt in THERE, it'd just get worse. Yuck. So I follow Kat into the women's bathroom, and within minutes, we had turned it into a war zone. Kay had spied some sort of air freshener device on the wall, and after investigating it, she succeeded in splattering air freshener fluid all over her arm, and more importantly, the floor. We were laughing are asses off at this point, and by the time we left, everyone in the station was staring. Oh, and now my shirt smelled like gasoline-scented flowers.
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