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26 November 2002 : A Letter From Shaq-Fu's '#2 Fan'

i just wanted to tell you its an honor knowing somone else with the same fascination that me and my friend caleb have for this unbalanced horrible and magnificent game. thank you for making me feel normal.

recently me and my friend caleb were talking about fighting games as we were picking up a copy of Marvel Vs. Capcom 2. and i started thinking about old fighting games. and suddenly a memory came to me.

a time when games were rented by me because of the name. and hell you have to admit when your in 4th grade and you here the name shaq fu you think HELL YEAH THIS GAME IS GONNA ROCK. so i rented it and fired it up. of course i had no intrest in basketball in 4th grade. in fact i hated it. but there was a boy named chad across the street and he was into basketball. he came over one day and was excited because this game had the shaq liscense attatched to it. so we played the day away. actually we played about an hour of it then put back in street fighter. BUT, still the love was there. and to this very day deep within the well of my heart there is still a special place for this appalling game.

Love Shaq Fu's #2 fan (after you my friend),

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