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The Witch and the Rose by Trae Dorn - on sale now!

All Blog Comments by Langland
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1573011507
11/7/2019 - 5:59
Well, as a longtime reader since day 1, I have to admit, I am actually happy that UnCONventional is ending. It's a funny comic and it had a great run but I could tell your jokes and stories were starting to repeat themselves. It's been a good run and I am happy it will formally end.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1419356567
12/23/2014 - 12:7
Happy Holidays to you to Trae. I should say Happy Yule to you or Happy Winter Solstice. Or perhaps Merry Christmas if you'd like lol.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1412007023
9/29/2014 - 21:47
Is this going to be a bonus in the next UnCONventional book?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1379522180
9/19/2013 - 11:52
Sounds like it was piece of shit of a show to begin with. And it had no respect for anyone except the cast. And no respect for outside cosplayers and their health problems that came with it. I hope the ratings are so terrible that it doesn't get renewed or at least any con ran by some people with common sense, tell those guys to go F**K themselves.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1373910269
7/15/2013 - 19:50
And it's the mass amounts of posts like these on blogs and facebook, that is making keep my hands clean of this one. I don't want to dwell on this because it's really not going change the verdict or bring back the victim from the dead.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1372695601
7/2/2013 - 21:27
You know, if I was at a con and I saw and found the volunteer was minor especially at 14. I'd probably go ask the staff and tell them I don't think it's a good idea. And maybe ask them to take her off the volunteer schedule only because any kind of work activity with minors could have potential to go wrong. And maybe the inner catholic in me might offer some cash to pay her/his way into the con so she/he doesn't feel too discouraged. And actually maybe even ask the con staff to credit some of the volunteer time out of the cost.

And even if she gets a little upset that would be why I'd offer to pay some of the way in so she could enjoy the con. And I think some other people in the con would feel the same (regardless of their religious or lack of affiliation).
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1372695601
7/2/2013 - 4:32
Funny thing reading this. I remember when you were our con director Trae, you did say a lawsuit would be the end of your convention.

I wonder if Chrono LLC may see a decline in the number of cons it runs. Also a deep deep in profit too.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1372426173
6/28/2013 - 19:25
It's sad how a lot of this stuff happens. I remember having female friends tell me they get nervous in their cosplays because they are in skimpy outfits. I had a friend tell me she was trying to stay stationary and not move around much because a creep was taking pictures of the women with skimpier outfits even without permission.

No one has ever come to me and tell me about their experiences with rape or molestation (well one friend but he isn't affiliated to the conventions.) But I know it happens. I come from a very small rural area where rape stories spread and different sides of the argument are always clear.

Rice Lake has an infamous "Justice for Josh" campaign that is trying to clear name of a kid who was sentenced 10 years to prison for a sexual assault of a 15 year old girl who was his GF at the time and the case is all drama and shit.

But rape culture is definitely a mess up in this society.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1371126436
6/15/2013 - 19:57
I don't it matters if anyone cares or not. I think it's just some added knowledge of how Trae makes his webcomics. It's kind of like in a way some advice of how you could make your webcomic if you had one to make.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1370281995
6/3/2013 - 20:37
This kind of reminds me of last night when my old friend James called me out of the blue and asked if we could go get a beer sometime.

And I was kind of not keeping in touch with him although for some different reasons but still.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1369144483
5/21/2013 - 12:27
I really like the Elite Force games. Because while you're on missions. You could explore the Federation vessels and some enemy vessels to an extent. And you could get into the action of being in a firefight against Klingons and Borgs.

Plus I really liked the whole concept of the hazard team. Being like a special force especially a Navy Seals of outer space(considering these series go by Naval ranks).
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1368536207
5/14/2013 - 12:48
Oh BTW is that Mexican Coke bottle in the image. I buy those a lot up here with the Sprite ones too. My Brother in Law likes the Orange Fantas.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1368536207
5/14/2013 - 12:39
Soda is my cigerette as I describe it. I know how hard it is to kick the habit because I can't kick this habit. I started taking Prilosec OTC for the hesrtburn since I have acid reflux.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1363875107
3/21/2013 - 10:14
Well could you at least keep a Chapter 3 UnConventional on hand so I can buy it at No Brand Con this year?

That's really it.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1361802199
2/25/2013 - 10:24
It still sucks either way cause there are so many good movie that gross way more than these Oscar winners, and they get like one category and they don;t even win it.

I guess I'm frustrated over the Avengers losing big time to Life of Pi. When the Avengers is likely a better movie overall. But then again it's only my opinion.

However I can agree this whole Oscar was a blunder, just a bunch sexism and racism presented to be funny.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1361802199
2/25/2013 - 9:32
Plus many of the movies that should have won, got robbed. I don't know how they determine the winners but the Oscars have gotten to a point where it sets you up for disappointment.

And I know you may not like Seth MacFarland and I respect that. But I'll probably still watch his stuff.

But hey I skipped the Oscars too. I decided finishing up My Name is Earl on netflix was more worthwhile with my Roku as well.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-b1361369169nope
2/21/2013 - 11:5
I understand people are stupid but just venting about them in your blog just calls them out and you pretty show your confidence that's you're right and even then people come in with their feelings and try to make you see it their side. Ok you didn't post this guys face or his personal account info but just venting here just show you get rather frustrated over this stuff and it just makes you rather opinionated and sometimes annoying. I like it when you make blog posts about Crosarth, UnCONventional, and your overall trips. Those are nice but the ones about talking negatively about other people just seems rather rude and sometimes annoying. I'm not perfect, I do this too but it just sometimes seems like you don't really have anything nice to say. I like it when you have nice things to say about something you did.

I'm just saying. But hey you know what I have going on through my mind so right now I'm just irritated. Maybe you can make a blog about that then and call me out like you do with all this hatemail.

I get a lot of hatemail from the various places I go too but I just shrug it off for the most part usually.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-b1361369169nope
2/21/2013 - 10:37
Trae sometimes you don't know it.

But you have a little ego of your own. You have some opinionated feelings towards a lot of things and I respect that. But sometimes you do hurt people's feelings on something they care about. I have been there but I have tried to look the other way. I'm saying this guy might have had his feelings hurt by you in some way and you didn't realize it.

You have posted many blog entries through the years and you have made tweets about arguing with certain people. You have done a lot shrug off many of these things but you also might have hurt someone's feelings with just words.

You have a talent of ripping someone apart and maybe that's why they end with a simple F You comment. You have a gift of getting people to believe in your opinions and your thoughts, some of us, like me, struggle to sway one's opinion and it hurts when people like you can break us apart and Trae you have done it many times. Regardless of it's Apple, politics, or even the 3DO debates. You have gotten many of your opinions across plus you have even given more humiliation by making a blog about these people who are on the losing side of something.

That's how I feel about it. Maybe you will counter this argument but I'm just pointing out something about you that I have seen. I used to see as a huge Idle but as I got older, I see you more as a human being with some flaws. Also I have resented some things over the years you have said but I have said nothing because I really enjoy your respect and it's because you are very prestigious.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-b1361369169nope
2/20/2013 - 20:27
Oh I know but it's what just probably the person cared about something and your own ego might unknowlingly bugged him.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1361369169
2/20/2013 - 11:33
I still don't like Apple. I see Google on the rise and being the worthy competitor. And I still prefer Microsoft in the Computer market.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1360592264
2/11/2013 - 13:42
I was looking at Tara's picture and I see 2 Chronicles of Crosarth books on her night stand. I love all these inserts of your other comic in them.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1360592264
2/11/2013 - 13:17
Is St. Lucy's a Catholic hospital like Sacred Heart in Eau Claire or a Lutheran one like Luther Middleford/Mayo Clinic in Eau Claire?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1360592264
2/11/2013 - 10:31
Cool Max is a Male nurse. Male nurses are actually pretty cool.

Also kind of funny and unexpected but still that's pretty cool.

I wonder what hospital he's in.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1360337387
2/8/2013 - 15:59
Well I was just saying that's what readers would see that as. They would know it's Lynn's work office but they would also see it as a Dilbert knock off.

Also considering how UnCONventional is. You make the comics loosely based off of things you experienced as a Con staffer and from attending cons. And also from stories you have heard from other friends and staffers about running a con or attending a con like the Anime Fan Zone deal.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1360337387
2/8/2013 - 13:29
Well I would guess that Lynn's office would be much like your job and the Dilbert comic mixed into one. So it's be hard to pull that off considering Dilbert pretty much as the edge on modern day office work. I think it's more worthwhile to incorporate Lynn's job into UnCONventional.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1358353842
1/16/2013 - 16:55
And so now you make pretty sailboat pictures just to make the background pretty?

You may make the background too interesting. Like if in a VGR I could be seeing what's in those VGRs.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1357741933
1/10/2013 - 8:15
I know you traditionally take the Summer off, but you know, maybe you could go to one in the Summer just to fill the gap between cons. Just my thought although I usually take the summer off too.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1357316278
1/4/2013 - 10:48
This reminds me of when I watched Scooby Doo as a kid, it was easy to know who the villain was under the mask. However I used a different theory there by how much screen time the villain got outside their costume. But still you have that same kind of mind set of finding out who the killer is with a distinct pattern.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1357151334
1/2/2013 - 15:6
Well in Technology I would like see Microsoft make a nice comeback in the Tech world and I know Windows 8 is getting slammed, I see it eventually being accepted more. Sorry Trae but people who follow Apple on a borderline religious devotion, have huge inflated egos. So I want Apple to be put aside a bit.

Besides that I'm thinking in politics, we'll see a lot more done in this next Congressional session because the last 2 years were an attempt to make Obama a 1 term President. So this time a lot more will be done not in desirable ranges but in better results.

2012 wasn't a bad year, sure I lost my job and an uncle passed away, but it wasn't too bad. But I feel 2012 just set the stage for 2013 and 2014 which will show a lot more promising results. Yea the tragedies won't go away but I believe we'll start seeing a lot more jobs coming back. Probably a nicer drop in unemployment.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1356980665
12/31/2012 - 13:46
Well I hope in 2013. I can finally move out of my Mom's house, go back to school and learn something where I can be employed, and get another job where I can hopefully get closer to financial stability. That's what I want to do at the very least.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1356102334
12/21/2012 - 11:33
Well I like that the Ghostbusters have announced on Facebook they are pulling extra work hours to help save the world from the Mayan God Yum Cimil. I guess he was the God of Death and also the God of the Mayan Underworld.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1355773502
12/18/2012 - 12:42
Well yesterday is appears many from both sides are acknowledging controlling the size caliber and yes the type of guns available. I guess that's a start. One Democrat said talks can officially begin once both sides acknowledge we have a constitutional right to bear arms or own guns. With that right then they can decide what constitutionally the right way to draw the line. Our 2nd amendment is kind of established in a way where the citizens act as a secondary military . Switzerland has this too where every household there actually has to own a gun by law. The point is yes we need to make it illegal to obtain assault rifles and fully automatic weapons however we can't ban hunting guns(because not all of those are not rifles or shotguns and also keep our citizens armed for any case. Yes not all laws will be perfect. I have stated in Europe the tradeoff has turned into more knifing crimes and stabbings. But we need to do something I agree. And by the way, thanks to this our 2nd amendment, I don't think any country in our history has had any balls to try and invade our mainland.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1355773502
12/17/2012 - 19:57
Yeah... I'm working on getting it to work.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1355773502
12/17/2012 - 18:41
Langland, my website ate your comment.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1354548397
12/3/2012 - 10:36
They're probably sky pirates. I'll labeling them as such. They're docked at wherever getting supplies and trying to create no trouble.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1354292953
11/30/2012 - 12:12
In color? Wow Trae I think I might have suggested that a while back, you know phasing in the color kind of like how I remember the Real Life Webcomic did and now they are full color for like 10 years now.
Langland commented on Blog Post
11/13/2012 - 13:9
In color? Wow Trae I think I might have suggested that a while back, you know phasing in the color kind of like how I remember the Real Life Webcomic did and now they are full color for like 10 years now.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1352128461
11/5/2012 - 13:29
On Gaia online I once tried to explain to this girl(or boy) that she needed to vote. She was saying wasn;t going to vote because of the 2 party system and that both candidates sucked in her opinion.

So she said she wouldn't vote because she felt screwed either way. So I told her the right response that she can't complain then after the election. She then said that was very shallow that she should be able to complain because she doesn't like the system. So my only response after that was, if she does complain after and admits she didn't vote, I will say STFU and ignore her for the rest of the argument.

So I agree you can't piss and moan if you don't vote(when you are of age too). I did piss and moan back in 2004 but I was only 16 then and then when I turned 18 in 2006. I voted and blocked the rest of Bush's agenda that I could and I don't regret it. I don't regret voting for Obama in 2008 either.
Langland commented on Blog Post
11/3/2012 - 12:3
On Gaia online I once tried to explain to this girl(or boy) that she needed to vote. She was saying wasn;t going to vote because of the 2 party system and that both candidates sucked in her opinion.

So she said she wouldn't vote because she felt screwed either way. So I told her the right response that she can't complain then after the election. She then said that was very shallow that she should be able to complain because she doesn't like the system. So my only response after that was, if she does complain after and admits she didn't vote, I will say STFU and ignore her for the rest of the argument.

So I agree you can't piss and moan if you don't vote(when you are of age too). I did piss and moan back in 2004 but I was only 16 then and then when I turned 18 in 2006. I voted and blocked the rest of Bush's agenda that I could and I don't regret it. I don't regret voting for Obama in 2008 either.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1351015576
10/23/2012 - 17:58
FINALLY!!!!! I've been wanting to know how Bork Con got to be. I wanted to see all of Phil and Max's mistakes made and all the stupid stuff they did as younger selves and I want to see how messed up Bork Con really was at the beginning.
Langland commented on Blog Post
10/22/2012 - 18:47
FINALLY!!!!! I've been wanting to know how Bork Con got to be. I wanted to see all of Phil and Max's mistakes made and all the stupid stuff they did as younger selves and I want to see how messed up Bork Con really was at the beginning.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1347296092
9/10/2012 - 17:47
I attended only 1 Geek Kon and yes I didn't like that Masquerade. I wanted to interact with the 1stAgent but he wasn't allowed too. I had it explained to me me how they were aiming to be a professional costume contest and yea that kind of offset me there. But that's just my feelings. I kind of have been offset by geek Kon as a whole just what it is I guess. It's not really a con like No Brand and I know they aren't trying to be but I like the No Brand feel.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1345054982
8/15/2012 - 20:28
The only thing that is different from the racks at basic is the pillow on the top bunk was opposite of the pillow on the bottom.

And I assume the hotbunking because I went inside a retired US Naval Submarine from WWII last year at Pearl Harbor and that had a crew of 250 men(yes only men no women) and there were only 30 bunks and only 10 personally cabins for the highest ranking officer and only the Captain had his own shower and toilet in his. It was the USS Bowfin if you're wondering.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1345054982
8/15/2012 - 19:30
Trae, did you use an image to draw this concept/ Because those bunks resemble much like the racks of that at Basic training the in the Navy. The squared shape blankets and the pillow set up. I remember making my rack like that. But to add if there is only 8 bunks, very seldom will they be made like that because there has got to be a ton of hot bunking. The crew exceeds 8 members usually.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1344884934
8/13/2012 - 17:14
If Friday actually broke one of Lynn's arms, would the arm literally be severed since she has stick arms?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1344605672
8/10/2012 - 10:3
I once bought a Happy Wednesday cd and I remember UPS shipped it. It started in Chicago in 1 of those city names inside it. Then it arrived in Milwaukee with another city name inside it. Then into Green Day once again as a different city name. Then into Escanaba Michigan or the UP. Then Wausau(ok finally in the right direction). Then Eau Claire and then Rice Lake(which was 5 am and I was working when it got process) and then I got that cd that night at like 8 pm.

UPS's shipping sucks.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1344436241
8/8/2012 - 19:19
Well true but it can also be the dining area as well. It's a collective term. Mess Hall is more associated to land based military.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1344436241
8/8/2012 - 17:18
Trae, if this is where they eat, then the correct term for a ship is the Galley. Just pointing that out since you're using a Naval theme here. And yes that's the term in traditional Navy too.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1344272785
8/7/2012 - 19:15
True true, however the big picture of gun control is to reduce the violence associated to guns but instead it will just converted to more stabbings. Sure the mass amounts of people stabbed is not likely but it still goes into a new set of problems. I guess that's why i have mixed feelings about Gun control.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1344272785
8/7/2012 - 17:16
I don't want to argue as I have my opinions that are mixed. But i want you to know Trae as knowing some people from the UK, the gun control in returns turns the crimes more into stabbings. Now since I don't live there, I don't know if there is any news on it but I doubt the UK is going into Knife control because more stabbings occur instead of shootings.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1341581172
7/6/2012 - 17:18
The Admiral doesn't have a private quarters? Interesting.
Langland commented on Blog Post
7/4/2012 - 22:9
The Admiral doesn't have a private quarters? Interesting.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1338304524
5/29/2012 - 18:21
Yea I want to go to the Chetek Drive In but I never had a good weekend to go. It was always either I had to work or the movies that were playing weren't stuff I wanted to see.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1337617701
5/21/2012 - 17:8
In my opinion, NBC has been making stupid moves for a while. I don't understand half the moves they make anymore. Maybe my viewpoints aren't matching enough for the viewership they want but it's also turned me off from NBC altogether. I'm still bitter fo My Name is Earl being cancelled and I am angry the Conan O'Brien never go axed from the Tonight show after not even a full year. so yeah NBC really is becoming retarded. Also to add, does anyone really like 30 Rock because I honestly don't understand any of it's humor?

Yeah there's my rant for NBC so I understand your grief Trae.
Langland commented on Blog Post
5/20/2012 - 22:57
In my opinion, NBC has been making stupid moves for a while. I don't understand half the moves they make anymore. Maybe my viewpoints aren't matching enough for the viewership they want but it's also turned me off from NBC altogether. I'm still bitter fo My Name is Earl being cancelled and I am angry the Conan O'Brien never go axed from the Tonight show after not even a full year. so yeah NBC really is becoming retarded. Also to add, does anyone really like 30 Rock because I honestly don't understand any of it's humor?

Yeah there's my rant for NBC so I understand your grief Trae.
Langland commented on Blog Post
5/10/2012 - 20:18
In my opinion, NBC has been making stupid moves for a while. I don't understand half the moves they make anymore. Maybe my viewpoints aren't matching enough for the viewership they want but it's also turned me off from NBC altogether. I'm still bitter fo My Name is Earl being cancelled and I am angry the Conan O'Brien never go axed from the Tonight show after not even a full year. so yeah NBC really is becoming retarded. Also to add, does anyone really like 30 Rock because I honestly don't understand any of it's humor?

Yeah there's my rant for NBC so I understand your grief Trae.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1334072401
4/10/2012 - 16:55
I agree on naming countries. I actually had an idea for a steampunk story and I can't think of any good names for nations. All I can think of is the "Iron Union" which is based off of a historical name for a nation but I can't think of a good name for the false democracy nation that's going to be the other enemy on the verge of a war.

Cool map by the way, it looks like Europe with a few difference. I'm thinking of making a completely different globe for mine with 4 continents with basic names.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1333459978
4/4/2012 - 17:7
Does Jenna have any sisters? They could always fill in gaps that she leaves open for possible future adventures.

Just saying.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1332769987
3/27/2012 - 19:48
There should totally be a con a con where you Trae are one of the guests. Maybe someone might make that a reality.
Langland commented on Blog Post
3/20/2012 - 17:33
There should totally be a con a con where you Trae are one of the guests. Maybe someone might make that a reality.
Langland commented on Blog Post
3/14/2012 - 14:41
There should totally be a con a con where you Trae are one of the guests. Maybe someone might make that a reality.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1328909623
2/10/2012 - 18:28
Now I'll get this and then bring both the 1st and 2nd book to you at No Brand Con and have you sign both of them. Unless you're selling this book at No Brand then I'll maybe buy a copy then.
Langland commented on Blog Post
2/7/2012 - 20:34
Now I'll get this and then bring both the 1st and 2nd book to you at No Brand Con and have you sign both of them. Unless you're selling this book at No Brand then I'll maybe buy a copy then.
Langland commented on Blog Post
2/3/2012 - 1:19
Now I'll get this and then bring both the 1st and 2nd book to you at No Brand Con and have you sign both of them. Unless you're selling this book at No Brand then I'll maybe buy a copy then.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1326893767
1/18/2012 - 8:36
Yea this legislation is indeed scary. The last time something like this happened while not necessarily applied to the Internet was the Patriot Act and that right there was gutting the First Amendment rights.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1325773854
1/6/2012 - 20:29
I need to rephrase the first part of my argument. There are Anime series that FUNimation owns rights for and the fans want more but the companies is struggling a bit financially to meet the demand and that is why piracy is indeed bad because not everyone is savy with a computer to download tons of episodes onto an external harddrive.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1325773854
1/6/2012 - 20:25
After reading much to the argument. I fully understand this as FUNimation is having some issues with anime titles that are huge. One Piece is a big one. Yes as a fan I have been streaming it on their official website including their simulcast subs. In fact when they announced Season 4 for dubbing rights, the fans applauded but told them to buy the DVDs or else One Piece would face a fate much like Cased Closed which became a similar fate.

The overall point is that yes piracy is bad and I have been doing my part. Even at Diasho I have been telling con goers to buy those DVDs because that's the only guarantee that the companies will renew licenses and bring in more dubbed episodes.

So to see news like this is indeed a blow as I am watching anime on netflix now including Baka and Test which I originally watched Hulu subbed and now I see it dubbed and enjoy it even more.

So yes Internet Pirates suck however seafarring Pirates are still awesome.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1324310044
12/20/2011 - 10:30

That is only a remnant of when Best buy was a little bit better of a business I guess. i miss that commercial too.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1324310044
12/19/2011 - 11:27
I agree, leave Santa alone. It's just overall annoying and offensive to the kind of character he is supposed to be portrayed as.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1323958948
12/15/2011 - 20:30
I just want to point out I get pissed when I see crosses on public. I was pointing out earlier that it has happened that i have heard maybe through rumors and such.

Here is some of the controversies above. While yes a lot of them deal with public but it does involve my point that public displays of menorahs do not get taken down which also are religious nontheless.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1323958948
12/15/2011 - 12:35
I guess I should phrase the nativity thing. It's not on government property always where it's banned and I understand that. But the nativity scenes have banned on private property but that seen in public however displays of Hannakuh have been allowed.

Still the point is that there have been things that used to fine with people regardless of religion that have now been cracked down over fear of offending one group even though it's like 1 person in that group that really is offended.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1323958948
12/15/2011 - 11:33
I guess I will give my side as a Catholic.

I know it's a holiday sale because of all the holidays from Hannukah, to Kwanza, to the Winter solstice, and yes to Christmas. What i think a lot of Christians are being offended by and so am I is that "Political Correctness" has made it that Christmas is politically incorrect but Hannukah and Kwanza are not because of culture.

Yes Happy Holidays is now a Universal term it should be. I am miffed that Christmas can be snubbed especially when Nativity sets can get banned at public displays when that's a display of the real reason for Christmas.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1323699084
12/12/2011 - 8:33
Fair enough. I'm glad i never really commented on something in that kind of way.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1322677250
11/30/2011 - 20:34
Make sure you add enough humor in your next serious storyline so it's not too serious. Because I do read UnCONventional to laugh.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1319636119
10/26/2011 - 9:22
It would look cooler if there was a prop in the back of the balloon to make look faster but that's my opinion.
Langland commented on Blog Post
10/19/2011 - 17:15
It would look cooler if there was a prop in the back of the balloon to make look faster but that's my opinion.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1318601535
10/14/2011 - 9:17
Does she wield 2 pistols? I see what looks like 2 holsters or maybe knives too.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1318258968
10/10/2011 - 11:12
I wish I could draw stuff that good.
Langland commented on Blog Post
10/8/2011 - 8:17
I wish I could draw stuff that good.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1317829262
10/5/2011 - 11:8
Well then I guess I'll have to look forward to this new comic then. But oddly it's got me thinking about a self insert I once wrote about back when I was teenager.

Well anyways good luck on this new comic.
Langland commented on Blog Post
9/29/2011 - 8:59
Well then I guess I'll have to look forward to this new comic then. But oddly it's got me thinking about a self insert I once wrote about back when I was teenager.

Well anyways good luck on this new comic.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1316439635
9/19/2011 - 10:43
Thursday actually sounds Pretty cool
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1314030534
8/22/2011 - 13:10
Riceball Kon

It will pay homage to a terrible film we force you to watch every year.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1314030534
8/22/2011 - 12:41
Do you plan to reveal the name of this first year con in the near future on your blog reports?
Langland commented on Blog Post
8/22/2011 - 6:14
Do you plan to reveal the name of this first year con in the near future on your blog reports?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1312380100
8/3/2011 - 13:36
It looks great but Max's hair looks way to long in the front.On that note I say make the cover in color because it would be much more Awesome in my opinion. And it shows the evolution of the characters in their development and drawing style.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1309360903
6/29/2011 - 20:44
What is it with you and most of your women be blonds?

Anywho like I suggest, we should see some interaction between her and Awesome Roy with some socially awkward moments. I'm sure you've witnessed some from your real life con staffing buddies.
Langland commented on Blog Post
6/29/2011 - 8:12
What is it with you and most of your women be blonds?

Anywho like I suggest, we should see some interaction between her and Awesome Roy with some socially awkward moments. I'm sure you've witnessed some from your real life con staffing buddies.
Langland commented on Blog Post
6/29/2011 - 6:26
What is it with you and most of your women be blonds?

Anywho like I suggest, we should see some interaction between her and Awesome Roy with some socially awkward moments. I'm sure you've witnessed some from your real life con staffing buddies.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1309186853
6/27/2011 - 18:12
Sunny is a character you need to incorporate more into the comic (in my honest opinion of course). Maybe she and Awesome Roy should do more interaction and stuff not relationship wise but you know being their socially awkward selves in funny ways.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1309186853
6/27/2011 - 15:1
Yea as much as they creepy, they are also some of the more nicer con staffers that one may run into, despite their socially awkward moments.
Langland commented on Blog Post
6/27/2011 - 4:21
Yea as much as they creepy, they are also some of the more nicer con staffers that one may run into, despite their socially awkward moments.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1308930573
6/24/2011 - 12:28
The color you chose to make her hair blond makes me think she's not a natural blond but instead she died it blond.
Langland commented on Blog Post
6/20/2011 - 14:15
The color you chose to make her hair blond makes me think she's not a natural blond but instead she died it blond.
Langland commented on Blog Post
6/19/2011 - 11:24
The color you chose to make her hair blond makes me think she's not a natural blond but instead she died it blond.
Langland commented on Blog Post
6/18/2011 - 11:17
The color you chose to make her hair blond makes me think she's not a natural blond but instead she died it blond.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1307713654
6/10/2011 - 13:45
Phil looks like a teacher now (joke intended).
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1307630745
6/9/2011 - 13:54
Like I said yesterday, just phase in the color strips. Maybe do a color strip every few comics. It's ok if they remain black and white for a while but having a color strip would be cool too.
Langland commented on Blog Post
6/9/2011 - 12:42
Like I said yesterday, just phase in the color strips. Maybe do a color strip every few comics. It's ok if they remain black and white for a while but having a color strip would be cool too.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1307539165
6/8/2011 - 10:5
I thought Lynn had a purple shirt

Anyways, if you begin drawing digitally, I think the idea of adding color would be Awesome.

Greg Dean of Real Life Comics started out with B&W comics and then suddenly phased in color comics, and somewhere down the road he just made all his comics colored. So just saying This whole color thing isn't a bad idea now that You have that fancy IPad of yours.
Langland commented on Blog Post
6/7/2011 - 13:20
I thought Lynn had a purple shirt

Anyways, if you begin drawing digitally, I think the idea of adding color would be Awesome.

Greg Dean of Real Life Comics started out with B&W comics and then suddenly phased in color comics, and somewhere down the road he just made all his comics colored. So just saying This whole color thing isn't a bad idea now that You have that fancy IPad of yours.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1306938943
6/1/2011 - 12:56
Taking random drives are fun. I have attempted doing that a few times but it doesn't seem to workout well. That's why instead I take the backroad to Siren WI because that is equally beautiful to see.
Langland commented on Blog Post
5/29/2011 - 23:31
Taking random drives are fun. I have attempted doing that a few times but it doesn't seem to workout well. That's why instead I take the backroad to Siren WI because that is equally beautiful to see.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1306506377
5/27/2011 - 9:52
Well then let's  start hoping Tumblr is the solution because Twitter is getting on my nerves, I still don't like shortening my thoughts or making 2 tweets.
Langland commented on Blog Post
5/26/2011 - 16:43
Well then let's  start hoping Tumblr is the solution because Twitter is getting on my nerves, I still don't like shortening my thoughts or making 2 tweets.
Langland commented on Blog Post
5/26/2011 - 12:36
Well then let's  start hoping Tumblr is the solution because Twitter is getting on my nerves, I still don't like shortening my thoughts or making 2 tweets.
Langland commented on Blog Post
5/26/2011 - 0:4
Well then let's  start hoping Tumblr is the solution because Twitter is getting on my nerves, I still don't like shortening my thoughts or making 2 tweets.
Langland commented on Blog Post
5/25/2011 - 12:8
Well then let's  start hoping Tumblr is the solution because Twitter is getting on my nerves, I still don't like shortening my thoughts or making 2 tweets.
Langland commented on Blog Post
5/22/2011 - 7:58
Well then let's  start hoping Tumblr is the solution because Twitter is getting on my nerves, I still don't like shortening my thoughts or making 2 tweets.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1305898557
5/20/2011 - 9:36
When May 22 comes, I'll pull a Nelson Muntz and say "HA HA Live goes on". I will do it again on December 22, 2012 as well.

Also as a Catholic, I know Jesus once said the end of the world will come as a thief in the night. In other words, it will come when we aren't expecting it.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1305727637
5/18/2011 - 16:25
As weird as this may be. I share a same fascination. When I used to have Star Trek Elite Force, I'd love to walk on the USS Voyager when I could I was fascinated by being able to walk into random places whenever I could do that in the game. It was just fascinating to have the power to walk into a room when i wanted too. So I too can understand what your interest is.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1305293443
5/13/2011 - 9:52
Aww bummer, You could use it as yet another flier because people would find it pretty cool.
Langland commented on Blog Post
5/11/2011 - 22:20
Aww bummer, You could use it as yet another flier because people would find it pretty cool.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1305125804
5/11/2011 - 14:23
Why does he want me? Does he want me to be a No Brand Hero.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1304950817
5/9/2011 - 12:25
I know he's Awesome. I always watched it when it was on because I like CBS news. I actually watch the show and can figure the puzzles out a lot of times.

Yeah I know people my age should watch him a bit more. He's definitely livelier than Alex Trubek, now that guy has no life in  him.
Langland commented on Blog Post
5/8/2011 - 0:40
I know he's Awesome. I always watched it when it was on because I like CBS news. I actually watch the show and can figure the puzzles out a lot of times.

Yeah I know people my age should watch him a bit more. He's definitely livelier than Alex Trubek, now that guy has no life in  him.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1304692224
5/6/2011 - 9:43
You should make portrait size copies of these and sell them. I'd love to have digital art on y wall, it would make feel more sophisticated in nerdier way.

If that makes any sense.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1304519396
5/4/2011 - 9:42
Like I said on twitter, it's a Red Harmonica. It's shaped just like one of them and the red strips on the side look like the bars that separate the holes you blow into the get different sounds.

So I stand firm that it's a Red Harmonica.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1304345306
5/2/2011 - 12:26
That's pretty cool that all these anniversaries land on the same year with some number on consistency.

And to be honest, while Bin Laden's death is a big deal, it is good to move on a bit from it.
Langland commented on Blog Post
4/27/2011 - 22:20
That's pretty cool that all these anniversaries land on the same year with some number on consistency.

And to be honest, while Bin Laden's death is a big deal, it is good to move on a bit from it.
Langland commented on Blog Post
4/27/2011 - 13:58
That's pretty cool that all these anniversaries land on the same year with some number on consistency.

And to be honest, while Bin Laden's death is a big deal, it is good to move on a bit from it.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1303488216
4/22/2011 - 11:45
You may call it Priceless in whatever way. I just call it the Trae theme song because that's actually what it is to me. Everytime I hear it, the first thought I have is you Trae and it's just a general thought not anything more or less.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1303311820
4/20/2011 - 15:20
What does LEXPO stand for? What is it not abbreviated?
Langland commented on Blog Post
4/18/2011 - 6:7
What does LEXPO stand for? What is it not abbreviated?
Langland commented on Blog Post
4/16/2011 - 0:17
What does LEXPO stand for? What is it not abbreviated?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1302702589
4/13/2011 - 9:28
Well I am getting my stuff together but I got to make sure my junk in the back seat is moved to the trunk and I got to pack my Wii because Harley may need it for my event and yeah there's stuff I need to do.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1302105923
4/6/2011 - 13:38
Oh so the warrior is a he. Sexist. jk btw.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1302105923
4/6/2011 - 11:23
The one dragon in the sky looks kind of like an axe. And I think there's another on in the lake that's a sea dragon even though it's green. And what's with warrior, why is the warrior standing there?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1301671981
4/1/2011 - 15:37
Wait this is posted on April 1st. SHit how dod I fall for this?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1301671981
4/1/2011 - 15:36
Epic Sad Face
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1300716613
3/21/2011 - 10:48
I want to see this movie badly.

Ironically I was voted most likely to be abducted by aliens in HS and it's even in the yearbook. I wonder if having an Alien Movie with the same first name is close.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1300116427
3/14/2011 - 10:34
Do you plan to put your filler strips in too?
Langland commented on Blog Post
3/12/2011 - 22:50
Do you plan to put your filler strips in too?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1299857356
3/11/2011 - 11:11
But how do you explain his friends retweeting everything he says and his friends voicing the same opinion?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1298907892
3/1/2011 - 16:55
Well I do try to attempt to fix my own idiocy here and there. But I know it sucks that we can't fund education. All the Right Wingers insist Privatizing the school would mean better education but they forget many smaller communities can't afford to privatize their schools.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1297694797
2/14/2011 - 16:12
I'll try getting my scifi comic idea published and drawn. Then maybe it'll catch on and become a cartoon to listen too while you work. Plus it has politics too.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1297262031
2/9/2011 - 9:49
Well there is 1 song that you wrote that I kept listening to a lot because I'm terrible person that way.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1297095496
2/7/2011 - 22:50
The UK version of the Office has humor that's so dry that I actually don't get the jokes. That's one thing that spoiled me with American TV I need punchlines even it's at the expense of intelligence. I find the less intelligent jokes funny because I don't need to do much thinking.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1296834538
2/4/2011 - 16:45
I've said it on Twitter and I'll say it again. Damn you look so different in those pictures. I need to do some of that stuff so instead of doing the same boring stuff I have been doing the past few years.
Langland commented on Blog Post
2/3/2011 - 19:34
I've said it on Twitter and I'll say it again. Damn you look so different in those pictures. I need to do some of that stuff so instead of doing the same boring stuff I have been doing the past few years.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1296659100
2/2/2011 - 22:1
I just shrugged it off as I was watching this . I rolled my eyes and said my catchphrase when it comes to said rolling eyes. In the end I'm one of those people who doesn't get worked up because there are other people to do it in my place.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1295023099
1/14/2011 - 11:35
I didn't change according to any of the versions. I'm still a Virgo. However Virgo always gets more crappy horoscopes than good ones.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1294412883
1/7/2011 - 12:42
To be honest, the idea did come by surprise. I have nothing against Muslims being at one point in my life I lived around them. What I think of the whole thing is that it's more of a surprise to that DC made a move.

I think it's like every new thing. It takes a period of time to scream and shout and then the people will slowly accept it or keep their closed minds to themselves.

It's no different than the Civil Rights movement from 1960's. Every new thing needs to settle in.
Langland commented on Blog Post
1/4/2011 - 10:19
To be honest, the idea did come by surprise. I have nothing against Muslims being at one point in my life I lived around them. What I think of the whole thing is that it's more of a surprise to that DC made a move.

I think it's like every new thing. It takes a period of time to scream and shout and then the people will slowly accept it or keep their closed minds to themselves.

It's no different than the Civil Rights movement from 1960's. Every new thing needs to settle in.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1294081655
1/3/2011 - 21:17
My mom says that 2011 is a prime number so that means it should be a prime year.

I hope I can get a job and better life this year. I finally found out the source of my depression last year and I hope this year I can accomplish what I need to fix it.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1291645725
12/6/2010 - 9:8
Well, I started following Phil and Max for sure.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1291394743
12/4/2010 - 13:5
Actually the conventions they visit and what antics come with like Max sleeping with Tara. And Lynn knocking a beard off the dude who "Lost the Game", and the Mega Man mix CD fiasco. That's what I find most funny about UnCONventional.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1289228124
11/8/2010 - 10:9
Red Vs. Blue is Funny or at least first 2 seasons that I saw. Donut is the man.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1288620765
11/1/2010 - 12:9
Well I too want a Mustang someday (since my dad had one at one point). If I recommend, just someday save up the money and get yourself a mustang like I would like to day someday. Is there a crime in your marriage if you both have your own car of choice?

But still Nissans are good cars so I'm happy you have a good car now.
Langland commented on Blog Post
11/1/2010 - 4:13
Well I too want a Mustang someday (since my dad had one at one point). If I recommend, just someday save up the money and get yourself a mustang like I would like to day someday. Is there a crime in your marriage if you both have your own car of choice?

But still Nissans are good cars so I'm happy you have a good car now.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1288360250
10/29/2010 - 10:4
I know who Lynn is based off of. Because I've seen everything about in someone else I know.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1286979316
10/13/2010 - 10:2
I know one thing about the job interviews. When I'm the person behind the desk(hopefully I will be at some point). I know I'm going to be the guy who isn't offended by tattoos, piercings, and drunken photos of facebook. In fact I just might be the guy who hires the person who makes me laugh. I guess this internet age affects this generation more than it does the next because it will be our fight that changes it.
Langland commented on Blog Post
10/12/2010 - 21:37
I know one thing about the job interviews. When I'm the person behind the desk(hopefully I will be at some point). I know I'm going to be the guy who isn't offended by tattoos, piercings, and drunken photos of facebook. In fact I just might be the guy who hires the person who makes me laugh. I guess this internet age affects this generation more than it does the next because it will be our fight that changes it.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1286807336
10/11/2010 - 12:21
You made that blog entry and didn't mention Real Life by Greg Dean! I'm disappointed. I saw mega Tokyo which I have read in the past.

Let's note thatWebcomics were part of my growing up because those characters developed my personality to be like those guys.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1285945057
10/1/2010 - 12:2
You forgot to mention that Tiffany Grant is Short! lol

So just wondering, have there been any guests (no need to name any) that have been pain to deal with that you can't ever satisfy them no matter how hard you try?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1285599381
9/27/2010 - 14:12
And I thought learning Adobe Dreamweaver was a headache.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1285169286
9/22/2010 - 16:50
I love the existence of geeky women. I just wished they lived where I grew up because they didn't.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1284562848
9/16/2010 - 15:6
I'm just curious because I have seen some vendors at the cons I have been too and some of them just carry an ego or are flat out rude and such.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1284562848
9/15/2010 - 20:21
Has there ever been some vendors that have been a pain in the ass? Like there was no way to please no matter what you try? Or they are just flat out out rude?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1284388761
9/13/2010 - 15:17
Is it ok if you wanted to keep the staffing level at a very small size just to avoid some of those complications? Like have only like handful of those positions on the model istead of that huge one. And is it ok for the Con Director to be a Treasurer too?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1282923439
8/27/2010 - 13:0
Personally I really how short my tweets have to be. I often have to shorten my thoughts and that really really pisses me off. While I like Twitter, I hate the short characters I'm required.

Langland commented on Blog Post
8/27/2010 - 2:31
Personally I really how short my tweets have to be. I often have to shorten my thoughts and that really really pisses me off. While I like Twitter, I hate the short characters I'm required.

Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1282319842
8/20/2010 - 21:5
Well I can tell you right now that Muslims are much like Christians in many ways. I should know because I used to live with them in Izmir Turkey while my Dad was in the Army.

They are much like us(the Christians as I'm referring myself too) and they too wish for peace. They believe the Terrorists and Osama Bin Laden are too extreme and going too far. In fact the original Mohammad lived much like Jesus and sought out for peace.

It's also terrible when I point this out, the radicals from the Christians side begin to argue with me instead of being tolerant like Jesus Christ, whom we believe is our lord, has told us to do in his teachings.

But enough with the Religion talk. I respect people of all faiths, I may not agree with them and see everything eye to eye but I am willing to respect who they are.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1281957977
8/16/2010 - 10:12
I can't help but notice that something is always going wrong with your car.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1281545477
8/12/2010 - 0:7
First off as a Moderate Liberal(I'm more liberal but I carry some conservative views). I practice my 1st and 2nd amendment rights(with my 30-06 hunting rifle).

I also think that is stupid to even try to get rid of that amendment. I personally feel there is a much better approach to illegal immigration than just going after them. Like stated I rather we really really really crackdown on the employers who pay them under the table.

I also think if we could move the Border Patrol on a military budget(while the service could still be civilian if possible), it would potentially recruit maybe a good amount of work for legal Americans to keep a better patrol on the border and give work to people.

And lastly, I think it would be worth it if there was money in the budget(which there really isn't), is to help out Mexico in becoming a better country so their citizens wouldn't have to cross over here for work or at least make it a quicker and a slightly easier process to help them get duel citizenship faster being the process now takes 3 years I believe.

These are all my opinions so I understand there might be things that might not work or may be more complicated but I think going after the 14th amendment isn't worth it at all.
Langland commented on Blog Post
8/11/2010 - 23:43
First off as a Moderate Liberal(I'm more liberal but I carry some conservative views). I practice my 1st and 2nd amendment rights(with my 30-06 hunting rifle).

I also think that is stupid to even try to get rid of that amendment. I personally feel there is a much better approach to illegal immigration than just going after them. Like stated I rather we really really really crackdown on the employers who pay them under the table.

I also think if we could move the Border Patrol on a military budget(while the service could still be civilian if possible), it would potentially recruit maybe a good amount of work for legal Americans to keep a better patrol on the border and give work to people.

And lastly, I think it would be worth it if there was money in the budget(which there really isn't), is to help out Mexico in becoming a better country so their citizens wouldn't have to cross over here for work or at least make it a quicker and a slightly easier process to help them get duel citizenship faster being the process now takes 3 years I believe.

These are all my opinions so I understand there might be things that might not work or may be more complicated but I think going after the 14th amendment isn't worth it at all.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1280153290
7/26/2010 - 11:26
I did something fun this weekend too. I visited my cousin and his new wife(and my aunts and uncles) at Phillips because they were having like a second wedding reception of some sort and I hung out there all Saturday.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1279721729
7/21/2010 - 11:12
What are Phil, Max, and Lynn's job?
Langland commented on Blog Post
7/20/2010 - 13:15
What are Phil, Max, and Lynn's job?
Langland commented on Blog Post
7/15/2010 - 20:58
What are Phil, Max, and Lynn's job?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1278690317
7/9/2010 - 11:52
As random as this is going to be. I just realized it. You're 8 years and 11 days older than me.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1278515266
7/7/2010 - 10:58
Like I mentioned before, you just created a new cosplay shop for your UnCONventional store. Now I'm going to seek people who'll want to make a cosplay group.
Langland commented on Blog Post
7/7/2010 - 0:18
Like I mentioned before, you just created a new cosplay shop for your UnCONventional store. Now I'm going to seek people who'll want to make a cosplay group.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1277921733
6/30/2010 - 20:30
Well I've been keeping it to myself for a while but I was thinking of making a webcomic myself. One based on some of the most random and awkward moments in my life that pictures to make it look funnier. And I'm learning to use Adobe Dreamweaver this next semester so when I graduate, I'll pursue making it.
Langland commented on Blog Post
6/28/2010 - 4:19
Well I've been keeping it to myself for a while but I was thinking of making a webcomic myself. One based on some of the most random and awkward moments in my life that pictures to make it look funnier. And I'm learning to use Adobe Dreamweaver this next semester so when I graduate, I'll pursue making it.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1277126175
6/21/2010 - 10:41
I have a gift I actually will have to send you. I had just got it and I had some things going on but I'm going to mail it very soon.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1276098751
6/10/2010 - 20:6
But Krypt Kon is an awesome name for a comic book convention if I were to start one. Would you rather is it be Krypt Con instead?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1276098751
6/9/2010 - 20:25
Question, Would a con with the initials KK offset anyone going to this said con?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1275055693
5/28/2010 - 9:56
Ironically, I'm get a lot of hate like that and yes some days it hurts a lot so I understand. But then there are other days where I welcome it because I'm weird like that.

But anyways. Did you get hate from Liechtenstein? Okay I'll admit I did some quick research to try to appear smart in knowing what tiny little nation exists between Switzerland and Austria.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1274882635
5/26/2010 - 9:18
So what's Indiana like?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1274453607
5/21/2010 - 11:33
Yeah it's going to be different every time I'm down their visiting now. This is going to suck.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1274277253
5/19/2010 - 10:34
This reminds me of all those times I got hate mail on all the forums I've been on and I just shrugged it all off. And they once use to hurt me a lot and make me think bad about myself but now I have come to terms that it's just their issues.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1273072492
5/5/2010 - 14:23
It really annoyed me when the cops were there and my friend started joking about the whole situation. I know he had a little to drink but even then I was freaked because I had a fear the cops could have easily opened fired on everyone there. I'm just glad they didn't.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1272896084
5/3/2010 - 10:29
Funny thing is, I was involved in keeping Chessus's Epic cosplay a secret to you Trae.
Langland commented on Blog Post
5/1/2010 - 14:33
Funny thing is, I was involved in keeping Chessus's Epic cosplay a secret to you Trae.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1272021423
4/23/2010 - 9:21
Yeah Trae, you're like the glue that sticks everything together in that con so I know you will most definitely be missed. But maybe when I get out of College this upcoming December, I could learn how to be more like you with all that you do around that con. Of all the founding fathers, You and Vinnk get like the most respect of all the founding fathers because you do you jobs well.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1271685729
4/19/2010 - 20:35
This reminds of my travels with my family when I lived back in North Dakota. I use to visit the house I live in now. I use to visit this house often. And yes not all the time did our car make with no problems.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1270649779
4/7/2010 - 10:40
That Containment website is actually helping me out for finding Comic Book Conventions. So if all goes well I think I might know of a good time that won't conflict with Any of the surrounding areas.
Langland commented on Blog Post
4/6/2010 - 13:22
That Containment website is actually helping me out for finding Comic Book Conventions. So if all goes well I think I might know of a good time that won't conflict with Any of the surrounding areas.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1270469390
4/5/2010 - 9:48
Funny thing is when Harley and I saw the con center in Menomonee, the rep was litterally excited since acording to him, their cons were only doing business meetings and Wedding Receptions.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1270043800
3/31/2010 - 13:20
I guess my mind was a whole blank but oh well.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1269007298
3/19/2010 - 10:28
If you want someone to help create new anime scene in Indiana, I'm game. I have a 2nd cousin who lives outside Indianapolis and I would gladly visit.

But for now I'm going to focus on creating a better Comic Book Convention scene with the feel No Brand Con has given to me.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1267713047
3/5/2010 - 8:58
Well if you want to be exposed to a new author, I'm currently writing some stuff but I'm not sure if it's in your interest of genre. But I still need to finish my stories at some point.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1266417646
2/17/2010 - 10:59
Normally an Ash Wednesday would be a night from my understanding . And I'm Catholic so I know how big of deal this day is. I guess the reason it might been so weird is that normally people go to church at night to get the Ashes on their forehead. But that's also my experience there to.
Langland commented on Blog Post
2/15/2010 - 1:11
Normally an Ash Wednesday would be a night from my understanding . And I'm Catholic so I know how big of deal this day is. I guess the reason it might been so weird is that normally people go to church at night to get the Ashes on their forehead. But that's also my experience there to.
Langland commented on Blog Post
2/12/2010 - 17:35
Normally an Ash Wednesday would be a night from my understanding . And I'm Catholic so I know how big of deal this day is. I guess the reason it might been so weird is that normally people go to church at night to get the Ashes on their forehead. But that's also my experience there to.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1265999367
2/12/2010 - 12:48
This reminds me much of high school and sometimes college when I'm on the computer or reading a magazine and there is a very sexual ad right there. It's hard to cover that up especially when you're dealing with easily offended people in the process.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1265812252
2/10/2010 - 10:5
Well Peso can be rude but I still think he is Awesome. He often can instigate trouble in the end he often is right. I don't think he's always right but I know he is right a lot. Other times I stay neutral because I don't want to be part of trouble.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1264689226
1/28/2010 - 16:9
Their cows are raised in barns and never let out to graze. They stay stationary in a spot and fed to produce milk. They aren't really that Happy.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1264516381
1/26/2010 - 10:26
People say i look like Toby Maguire. Should I post a pic of him on my facebook and avatars?
Langland commented on Blog Post 118-1264435879
1/25/2010 - 16:18
Yeah you did but this is stuff you said you would buy if you had money. It's not stuff that you requested because you're getting married. That's what I was saying.
Langland commented on Blog Post 118-1264435879
1/25/2010 - 10:24
You should put some of those on a wishlist and then maybe when you decide to get married, you could ask for those as wedding gifts possibly.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1263997531
1/20/2010 - 11:21
Well to be fair, I kept my mouth shut. I was kind of upset that your used the picture of Mike Tyson's Punch Out so I wanted to make the joke but I figure you can be very serious about some issues and it worried me that this was one of those issues. But still I will kick Mike Tyson's ass as many times as you want since I can do it. But I will still discuss here on the commenting system. I actually had fun when you let me be annonymous while using funny names.
Langland commented on Blog Post 118-1263438544
1/17/2010 - 14:37
Animals transforming in people more specifically women.
Langland commented on Blog Post 118-1263438544
1/16/2010 - 19:36
You also have a Girlfriend last I checked so that makes you straight obviously or bi to say the least but I still insist that you are straight. You even told me your turn ons too.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1263219894
1/11/2010 - 8:58
I remember taking those surveys. I had so much fun when I wrote "Nothing" to answer a lot of the questions. But I guess I was one of those happy people. I think the Dance is good where it's at.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1262582063
1/4/2010 - 12:10
That was awesome while a little embarrassing at one moment.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1262010292
12/28/2009 - 14:13
I hope your car lives. But that's also because I have tons of respect for a Ford car.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1261145641
12/18/2009 - 9:13
Funny thing I learned in Psychology last year. There are special lights made just for the winter. They literally shine a specific way to reduce depression or in your case grumpiness because of your lack of sunlight. These were actually designed for states like Alaska and countries like Norway, Russia, Finland, Sweden, and of Course Canada. Just kind of a randomness.

Hope the family visit goes well for ya.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1260972636
12/17/2009 - 10:47
How did you both meet might I ask?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1260541386
12/11/2009 - 13:41
Winter= Snow

Autumn= Red, Yellow, and Orange Leaves.

That's why we call this wintery weather but whatever.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1260195290
12/10/2009 - 6:38
That comic is very funny on the side. Your comics are starting out good and they are hilariously just to add but then again I actually get jokes.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1260369043
12/9/2009 - 8:45
I can back road to Siren from here, How did I not know of this Omegacon?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1260195290
12/7/2009 - 10:5
I hope you reference me somewhere in there at some point.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1259763848
12/2/2009 - 9:54
Is this a good time to say that I won the bid on a little prelit christmas tree for my bedroom upstairs? Well because I did and it only cost me $7 (originally $3) for a prelit tree, some blue ornament balls, a star, a mini tree skirt, and a cd full of chistmas music. I too am ready for the season. i just need to decorate the upstairs now.
Langland commented on Blog Post
12/2/2009 - 3:3
Is this a good time to say that I won the bid on a little prelit christmas tree for my bedroom upstairs? Well because I did and it only cost me $7 (originally $3) for a prelit tree, some blue ornament balls, a star, a mini tree skirt, and a cd full of chistmas music. I too am ready for the season. i just need to decorate the upstairs now.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1259159592
11/25/2009 - 8:48
First off your brain can't physically hurt (a nursing student reminds me all the time).

Now I am glad you can still remember my face even though we don't talk at all in person except in some cases.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1258986034
11/23/2009 - 10:23
Trae, you comics are totally epic and you know what, I've stopped taking pictures too only because I forget to buy them. But you know what, it's awesome to find them on facebook, the forums, and photobucket by other people. And I must say I had a lot of funn too. And it was a week ago that I learned I drive for Bonding and Learning. These conventions have helped me get there. So yes I had a lot of funn as well.
Langland commented on Blog Post
11/20/2009 - 15:31
Trae, you comics are totally epic and you know what, I've stopped taking pictures too only because I forget to buy them. But you know what, it's awesome to find them on facebook, the forums, and photobucket by other people. And I must say I had a lot of funn too. And it was a week ago that I learned I drive for Bonding and Learning. These conventions have helped me get there. So yes I had a lot of funn as well.
Langland commented on Blog Post
11/19/2009 - 22:33
Trae, you comics are totally epic and you know what, I've stopped taking pictures too only because I forget to buy them. But you know what, it's awesome to find them on facebook, the forums, and photobucket by other people. And I must say I had a lot of funn too. And it was a week ago that I learned I drive for Bonding and Learning. These conventions have helped me get there. So yes I had a lot of funn as well.
Langland commented on Blog Post
11/18/2009 - 18:48
Trae, you comics are totally epic and you know what, I've stopped taking pictures too only because I forget to buy them. But you know what, it's awesome to find them on facebook, the forums, and photobucket by other people. And I must say I had a lot of funn too. And it was a week ago that I learned I drive for Bonding and Learning. These conventions have helped me get there. So yes I had a lot of funn as well.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1258553908
11/18/2009 - 9:42
I was right. The squrriels are planning something. Anyways I know how to be Awesome now and that's Awesome itself.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1258121878
11/14/2009 - 11:33
I know what you mean. I had to miss a day of school well because I developed a terrible fever. After like 12 hours of sleep, I felt much better and the minor things were all I had. I'm now free of the flu and and am no longer contagious. I scared a few people in Stevens Poinbt yesterday however. Judson Laiply(the Evolution of Dance Guy) made a joke about having it and say he wasn't contagious. It was all fun and I will be in that same building next weekend.
Langland commented on Blog Post
11/14/2009 - 9:7
I know what you mean. I had to miss a day of school well because I developed a terrible fever. After like 12 hours of sleep, I felt much better and the minor things were all I had. I'm now free of the flu and and am no longer contagious. I scared a few people in Stevens Poinbt yesterday however. Judson Laiply(the Evolution of Dance Guy) made a joke about having it and say he wasn't contagious. It was all fun and I will be in that same building next weekend.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1257878131
11/10/2009 - 13:59
Oh the Canadians can make me Laugh a lot of times. I often bump into them during my adventures through the Internet.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1257517055
11/6/2009 - 18:13
Is this a bad time to say that I keep seeing your name in the suggestions? I swear facebook is trying to push something and I know it.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1257344082
11/4/2009 - 11:5
This reminds of wrestling season back in High school. We never saw the sun around then except for Sunday(no pun intended). I would go to school with no sun and leave the school around 6 at night with no sun. On Saturdays, we often were at another school for a tournatment. Again no sun because we left around 8 at night from those schools and came home at 10 on most nights. Yep Sunday was our day to see that sun. I still wonder if that's why it's called Sunday lol.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1257170986
11/2/2009 - 10:25
How far do you want to travel to have a party?
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1256735791
10/28/2009 - 10:38
actually this is quite common for me. Like when I spend a weekend off(such as for No Brand Con) and then I come back on Monday with post con depression, I learn things have changed on the job and it feels weird. So essentially I too feel weird when I come back to work after a break.
Langland commented on Blog Post 2-1255958365
10/19/2009 - 9:54
This reminds me every time I make threads on Gaia where I start with titles like "What a Shit load of F*ck" or the more controversial "Models are Ugly!" and then throw them off with a different discussion. It's hilarious how people get angry over the titles when I'm discussing about how cool it would be to live in Ireland or something.

Trae Dorn
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The Chronicles of Crosarth - a webcomic of Steampunk Adventure, updated Mon & Wed
UnCONventional - A Webcomic about Conventions, Updated Tuesdays and Thursdays
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