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All Blog Comments by Referee(Anonymous)
Referee(Anonymous) commented on Blog Post 2-1275055693
6/2/2010 - 22:44
One last thing I wanted to say. The other reason why I cared so much about this wasn't just because of America's image. The other reason really was because I can really relate to why you reacted the way you did.

You see, when I was a freshman and sophomore I acted and reacted EXACTLY LIKE YOU DO TODAY. I don't even have to know you to detect it, it's very obvious simply because I HAVE been in that kind of situation before. The one thing that opened my eyes was when I went abroad to Costa Rica for a week. When I returned to the U.S. the reverse culture shock contracted a lot of situations like you describe and well helped me mature a lot. I feel for you for what you are going through right now, but the only thing I can't be sure of is if I really got to you or not. If I did then well hopefully you'll open your mind a little more down the road. If I didn't well, that's rather unfortunate.

So really what I'm trying to say is, the reason I involved myself and let myself become a part of this argument was because I noticed this and thus had a personal attachment. You're probably thinking right now "Oh what utter BS this guy is feeding me... GTFO!" but that's the truth. Take or leave it. I only intervened because I cared.
Referee(Anonymous) commented on Blog Post 2-1275055693
6/2/2010 - 22:31
I don't care if you know who I am... I know you're not THAT kind of a bad  person. I mean don't get me wrong, your arrogant (this still isn't based off of your blog post this opinion is based off of reactions to other comments) but you don't do the kinda of creepy things the internet (*4chan*) is known to contain.

Moving along, I'm sincerely caring less and less as your not learning anything. If you don't want to learn and just would like to remain arrogant that's fine.


You probably are correct, the comments you received weren't warranted. However, as far as humility is concerned I see very little to none in you.

The more you just try to dismember my point the more you prove it, to be a little more direct a humble person would just be like "Sorry" and not care at all (doesn't have to be sincere "sorry" either... just has to look sincere) and well you pretty thoroughly demonstrated the actions of arrogance. (In case it's not clear: going to the extreme to make sure you are ALWAYS RIGHT and THEY ARE ALWAYS WRONG.)

A great start would be to pick your battles. Was it really worth it to argue with me, a 17 year old, over something this trivial? As a full grown adult, I'd assume you'd have better things to do so probably not. Yet you did it anyway, you could say the same to me but I have a reason for picking this battle which would be because I really would like to improve America's image.

Another thing you could do to try and learn how to cope with people slurring insults at you constantly is to become a referee... SERIOUSLY! When you referee you learn quickly to filter out swearing or else you'll be consumed by what people call you. So hey, give it a shot. Pick your favorite sport and see if there are any referee programs and if you have the time on the weekends to do it.

Again though, these are just my suggestions you don't have to follow them if you don't want. You can remain being an arrogant person, that's fine your life is yours do with it as you will I won't stop you. Simply put, the teacher has tried to teach the student but the student has become unteachable and thus gave up.

(Yoda accent) so... Which path choosing will you? Path of humilty or path of arrogance choices, difficult they are. Luck, I wish you best of. Best try, please give.
Referee(Anonymous) commented on Blog Post 2-1275055693
6/1/2010 - 22:37
You have a point...

But I still don't appreciate you posting my age.
Referee(Anonymous) commented on Blog Post 2-1275055693
6/1/2010 - 0:30
Question... When did I try to friend you on facebook?...

Oh yeah nvm, I thought by blog he meant facebook status, but then I found your actual blog...

But still, if they find it on facebook then that's fine. However, I don't need any more places for that to be found. So hence what I'm talking about.

So really dude, are you gonna learn to ask people about posting their private stuff or are you just gonna piss off people for the rest of your life. Truthfully, I really don't care too much about people knowing my age (but it was a damn good example) and well like in the case of "that guy" it will piss people off. Right NOW it might not effect you all that much, but I would be willing to bet you on it that if you don't learn to respect people's private information soon that it will effect you on a much greater level than personally.

You don't have to consider my thoughts if you don't want, all I'm just saying is I'd rather have one less arrogant person in the world and that respecting people's private information is a good start that hopefully act as a catalyst to making you a better person.

Have a nice day.
Referee(Anonymous) commented on Blog Post 2-1275055693
5/31/2010 - 16:36
1. How do you know my age, two did I ever say you could release that information? This is the exact shit we're talking about here...

2. I actually didn't care until he said my age. I also am a little annoyed that he disregards my comments because of my age. It's apparent though that a 17 year old has more maturity and patience than the blogger who's feelings were hurt.

Going back to why I don't care for what he said. I don't care for what he said, but I care less for arrogant people... So in conclusion I involved myself because I'd like to rid the American stereotype that we are arrogant. You may not have heard this, but hey... I've been abroad and its a pretty strongly held stereotype. So please, for the sake of America become a little bit more humble?



P.s. (My name is referee because that's my hobby, not because I was self proclaiming myself to be the referee of the argument, and I know you didn't say it directly but its apparently implied that you thought this).
Referee(Anonymous) commented on Blog Post 2-1275055693
5/30/2010 - 20:52
No I haven't met you, but I can very easily tell you are arrogant through your reactions.

But to answer your question, that is incorrect. If I was attacked on my own site I would ignore it or delete their comment if I had the power to do so. However, I doubt I really would take the time to bother responding xD.
Referee(Anonymous) commented on Blog Post 2-1275055693
5/30/2010 - 19:48
1. I didn't really care about whether or not you made his comments public. That's irrelevant to my point.

2. Technically that's an apology, yes a weakhearted one but one none-the-less.

3. The summarized outline you posted probably has something left out. What I was trying to say was that more than likely a series of things has annoyed "That Guy" and that was the final straw or "tipping point".

4. "I'm saying "That Guy's" statements are bull, and that I need to not let myself be hurt by them.  I wonder if you've even READ what I wrote."

But you just did let yourself get hurt by them and are becoming angrier as more and more people try to reason with you. You can't please everyone, get over it.

As you argue with more and more people who try to spark that epiphany that'll teach you something, you're getting more and more pissed off and your arrogance is become more and more apparent.

To be perfectly clear, I do not care that he may or may not have been unjustified in what he said. The appropriate response may have been to ask him what's wrong rather than to scream to the world that something has gone wrong in your life. However, because you are being so full of yourself the idea doesn't occur to you so you start a flamewar in your own comments section instead. The whole point EVERYONE is trying to make is that you are just a little bit too arrogant. I tried to calmly let you know "hey these are my unbiased thoughts" but it's very clear that you can't listen to something that isn't harsh. THIS WOULD BE THE REASON WHY HE TRIED TO HURT YOUR FEELINGS. YOU NEED TO BE SHOCKED TO WAKE UP SO HE SHOCKED YOU TO TRY AND HELP YOU BETTER YOURSELF. IN THE END "THAT GUY" IS ONLY TRYING TO HELP YOU BECOME A BETTER PERSON!!!

p.s. :P I'm still anonymous now aren't I?

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