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The Witch and the Rose by Trae Dorn - on sale now!

Irresponsible Irreverence

All Comments by Langland
Langland commented on the comic for 12/21/2012...
12/21/2012 - 8:46
Lol and I'm going around saying "Happy End of the World People"
Langland commented on the comic for 60/7b/0120...
6/7/2012 - 17:36
Thunder God Nick. A similar story to what's happening in the comic happens last fall to a con called Daisho. Like in a month before the con was scheduled, the hotel shut down including a Tilted Kilt franchise inside it.

I forget what the reasons were, i want to say tax reasons and such, but the place got bulldozed now. Daisho con actually relocated in another city which is actually just a massive tourist trap. That's actually what's happening now and I don't know if Trae is planning the story accordingly but this is what SilentMuse and I think is happening.
Langland commented on the comic for 04/13/2012...
4/13/2012 - 0:24
The pedophile is wearing a charlie brown t-shirt lol. Funny comic though though totally understood the joke.
Langland commented on the comic for 10/05/2011...
10/5/2011 - 9:43
Yeah I was worried this would happen. Well time to pester you on making a character that's like me in this comic now.
Langland commented on the comic for 09/09/2011...
9/9/2011 - 9:5
I read that book back in English Class when I was a sophomore in High School. Ironically that was the same time I attended No Brand Con my very first time.

I have nothing against the book, it often inspired my out to sea self inserts stories where I take on a shark and a bad storm at the same time.
Langland commented on the comic for 08/19/2011...
8/19/2011 - 8:5
A nephew?
Langland commented on the comic for 08/05/2011...
8/5/2011 - 15:9
I did look it up. And it said was a community within a community.
Langland commented on the comic for 08/05/2011...
8/5/2011 - 8:53
But I have seen Japanese people come out here on vacation. In fact they are quite nice and mind their own business and are quite polite. It's kind of funny weird when 2 different cultures clash.

Maybe the ETs want to learn up close what our culture is like. And because in broad daylight it would be to creepy to abduct people in the open, they abduct them at night. Plus Rednecks are poor and can't travel to Tokyo on their wages at said blue collar job. So when an alien offers to take them to outer space, they accept it because it's cheap travel.
Langland commented on the comic for 07/20/2011...
7/20/2011 - 10:45
Funny thing, this has happened to me in Rice Lake and even up here in Wisconsin.

I wore a NBC shirt I had at a bar covered up in a buttoned up shirt, and this younger woman at this bar was curious what my shirt was underneath so I showed her that is was a NBC shirt and that it was just a convention in Eau Claire, she said she wished she had a shirt just like it and how she wants to go there someday.

Weird I know.
Langland commented on the comic for 07/01/2011...
7/1/2011 - 14:33
Dare I ask, what webcomic is it that you Trae were reading?

Trae Dorn
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