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The Witch and the Rose by Trae Dorn - on sale now!

Irresponsible Irreverence

All Comments by Traegorn
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/25/2012...
6/11/2012 - 14:0
The comment system on this site is designed to work with the integrated USERIDs. It's the same ID for any comments on blogs hosted here and the forums.

Facebook commenting has actually been broken on this site for a while, but I haven't decided what other verification system I want to switch to. Right now I've left anonymous commenting on because I haven't seen an influx of spam (and locking it down is just a toggle), and I don't want to lock users from commenting on the comics.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/13/2012...
4/13/2012 - 11:7
It was the easiest way for me to convey "creepy dude" :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/18/2012...
2/18/2012 - 16:36
One day I hope to have the time to bring the comic back full time.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/25/2011...
10/24/2011 - 21:28
Jesus let him put pants on once he got to heaven.

Jesus is cool like that.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/19/2011...
8/19/2011 - 13:25
Crysta's sister has two kids - so yes.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/05/2011...
8/5/2011 - 15:17
Do you have any reason to visit it ever? I drove through it almost daily for six months (on US53) and never stopped.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/05/2011...
8/5/2011 - 11:51
Langland - look on a map where Brackett is. I picked it deliberately.

No one vacations there. It's a bar and some houses right off of I94 - but it's so insignificant that even though it's literally on the interstate, there is no exit.

That makes it less important than Foster.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/22/2011...
7/22/2011 - 13:11
They actually had an episode dealing with it once, but after that case got pinned on some bad guy (I don't remember exactly who), the series kept going. For years.

The Seacouver police must be so incompetant...
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/01/2011...
7/1/2011 - 15:3
I'll never tell.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/17/2010...
7/1/2011 - 8:52
This is just a test to see if comments are working.
Traegorn commented on the comic for nu/mb/mess...
12/3/2006 - 15:53

Trae Dorn
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