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The Witch and the Rose by Trae Dorn - on sale now!

All Comments by Traegorn
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/04/2011...
1/2/2014 - 23:33
Middle finger
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/08/2013...
8/9/2013 - 6:12
Really? Only a couple of cons I can think of don't have at day reg here, and it's just because of capacity issues.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/06/2013...
8/6/2013 - 5:45
Not so crazy. There is a "reader cameo" list I keep (which there are several ways to get onto), and when I have opportunities in the comic I pull from it.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/01/2013...
8/1/2013 - 6:5
For long stretches of time, I didn't own an umbrella myself. And the one I do own? I keep it in my car.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/30/2013...
7/29/2013 - 23:33
Some of that, with a heavy dose of a few other things. :)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/25/2013...
7/26/2013 - 16:48
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/16/2013...
7/18/2013 - 14:38
While it's humiliating to have happen to you, it's not humiliating to have people learn that it happened.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/16/2013...
7/16/2013 - 23:51
Why would that humiliate him?
Traegorn commented on the comic for 06/13/2013...
6/15/2013 - 8:42
You're actually not supposed to ask if it's a service animal. I always recommend going over, acting super friendly, and saying "Oh is this your pet?"

Catches them off guard every time so they don't think to lie, and if it's actually a service animal they'll still tell you immediately.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 06/13/2013...
6/13/2013 - 8:5
I want to be clear -- I've seen well behaved animals at cons. Well trained dogs (and cats) who don't cause any trouble.

And then there was that one dog.

That damned one dog...
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/23/2013...
5/23/2013 - 11:6
Because he's conditioned himself to it over the years. It's also only like 9:30-10 at night.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/23/2013...
5/23/2013 - 7:56
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/16/2013...
5/16/2013 - 6:26
It's like a Gherkins or a Schmenny's.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/14/2013...
5/15/2013 - 12:20
Yeah, Ruth's pretty blameless here.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/09/2013...
5/12/2013 - 11:43
Have you tried FF with noscript disabled? I'm just curious if this is an issue with noscript or FF on Windows (I use FF but on a Mac, so it might be a build difference). If you need to block my ads, adblock plus doesn't seem to interfere with the comment system :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/09/2013...
5/11/2013 - 9:54
(Future comics may switch to a more traditional comment system)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/09/2013...
5/11/2013 - 9:50
That's really weird. -- what browser are you using? ( this may be a security issue -- the comment form is in an iframe hosted on, so some browsers may be blocking the login )
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/25/2010...
4/17/2013 - 13:37
Thought someone might notice.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/05/2011...
4/8/2013 - 6:15
...because it's how my con did it for a decade? Starting this year we switched to emails, but this was our process for a very long time.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/02/2013...
4/3/2013 - 9:32
PM me on TRHOnline with your browser, OS, etc. so I can take a look at what's going on here (as I can't replicate your problem on any of my computers)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/02/2013...
4/2/2013 - 4:34
It's weird the site thinks you're logged in but it's not giving you a comment box -- the comment box is just iframed in -- being served directly from the URL.

Maybe you have the nonlogged in version of the comment box in a local cache? Or you have a security setting preventing my cross domain kludge of a comment system from letting you be logged in?
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/26/2013...
3/26/2013 - 16:44
Likely :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/19/2013...
3/19/2013 - 13:57
...that is awesome. I had no idea.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/19/2013...
3/19/2013 - 11:38
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/28/2013...
3/13/2013 - 13:23
Megan may not have an accurate idea of what staffing a con is like.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/12/2013...
3/12/2013 - 21:18
There were more errors than that... yikes. I've fixed them now. Thanks.

This is what happens when I don't have a solid buffer...
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/05/2013...
3/5/2013 - 13:42
You act like she had something better to do? It's the same night.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/05/2013...
3/5/2013 - 11:52
buh-dum bum *crash*
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/26/2013...
2/27/2013 - 15:58
Depends on the room and who you have in it.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/21/2013...
2/24/2013 - 9:9
...sometimes I just make stuff up, guys.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/21/2013...
2/23/2013 - 12:51
Nah, I'm saving your stuff for laters. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/21/2013...
2/22/2013 - 17:1
Nah. Merely forgetfulness. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/15/2013...
2/19/2013 - 10:55
You know what? There is NO Easter Bunny! Over there, that's just a guy in a suit!
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/14/2013...
2/17/2013 - 11:22
ALLOW ME TO DECONSTRUCT YOUR JOKE NICK AND TURN IT BACK ON YOU: It is absolutely correct to say that I am not a classification of human sex - as those would be defined by terms such as male, female and intersexed.

I HAVE.a classification - but that's only the business of myself and my wife.

When's the last tie someone confirmed YOUR classification, Nick? :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/14/2013...
2/15/2013 - 19:19
...I'm fairly certain that's not a human classification of sex, Nick.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/14/2013...
2/14/2013 - 22:0
The appropriate term is "intersexed"
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/14/2013...
2/14/2013 - 19:25
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/14/2013...
2/14/2013 - 10:56
Langland, he also mentioned earlier in this story that he had a child - on the car ride to the con actually.

I may not have mentioned it anywhere else that he had a kid, but I know it was heavily implied.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/31/2013...
2/1/2013 - 23:4
You let dudes "rub you off?"
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/29/2013...
1/30/2013 - 15:23
Or if you prefer Nick Izumi and the Daisho Con Mascots -
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/17/2013...
1/30/2013 - 0:23
I've never been to Kitsune Kon, so the disclaimer backs me up on this. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/29/2013...
1/29/2013 - 15:24
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/29/2013...
1/29/2013 - 8:54
All three of them were in the line a few strips back.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/24/2013...
1/24/2013 - 13:5
Follow you around? Never.

Hide in the bushes outside your home? Maybe. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/17/2013...
1/17/2013 - 12:56
Langland -- This one's straight out of the No Brand Con history. We had terrible Ambassador tables for *years*
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/15/2013...
1/15/2013 - 12:4
Well yes. :)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/08/2013...
1/8/2013 - 11:9
Well that's just not true. :P

I think we need to help you find some nice, low-line conventions.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/03/2013...
1/7/2013 - 9:26
Glad you like it! Encourage your friend to do his comic - the world needs more comics set at cons. There are plenty of other, good con related names for his comic. :)

Let me know when it hits the interwebs - I'd love to read it.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/03/2013...
1/6/2013 - 7:53
Sounds as though you're speaking from experience there.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/01/2013...
1/2/2013 - 20:17
It's not the same car we saw him with years ago, but he and his wife have more than one vehicle.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/27/2012...
12/27/2012 - 5:38
This is called what happens when I catch myself writing another "old" joke.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/11/2012...
12/11/2012 - 9:24
Well, we know which one Barnes is because we've heard the other say his name.

But yeah, Barnes is a bit of a dick.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/06/2012...
12/6/2012 - 11:26
Langland - I always meant there to be a PR head, but like the Treasurer in Chapter One, we just never saw him/her.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/30/2012...
12/6/2012 - 6:38
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/04/2012...
12/4/2012 - 20:5
That person isn't "me" - there is no Trae Dorn in the universe of UnCONventional as I incorporated too much of my own background into Marcus during Room 825 and Full Circle which share the same continuity. That guy in the hat just LOOKS like me.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/04/2012...
12/4/2012 - 16:10
I promise it is not created by any member of the UnCONventional cast. Not even Marcus.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/04/2012...
12/4/2012 - 14:48
Who says The Chronicles of Crosarth was created by *me* in the UnCONventional universe?
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/29/2012...
11/30/2012 - 13:22
The images in the comic are representative of what the characters look like, but are not meant to be taken as their literal appearances.

So a female character with her shirt off would look the same as a male character in the comic.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/30/2012...
11/30/2012 - 9:26

Well, not any time soon anyways. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/29/2012...
11/29/2012 - 20:29
(And Langland, I'm not sure if you quite understood that Max was judging just on the costume... The joke comes from presumed motivations and their reversals...

...I hate explaining the joke)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/29/2012...
11/29/2012 - 20:4
Langland - we've seen Max without his shirt on...
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/27/2012...
11/27/2012 - 13:14
Yeah, it's Cobra.

The hover text for this comic was an obscure clue which would have led anyone with some Google-Fu to that eventual conclusion.

But it takes a knowledge of obscure early 90s music videos to get to it that way. Recognizing the gun arm was probably easier. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/21/2012...
11/21/2012 - 13:55
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/29/2011...
11/21/2012 - 12:58
It's not mentioned in the comic, but the parents would stay at a hotel.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/30/2011...
11/21/2012 - 12:52
Consider yourself an abnormality. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/16/2012...
11/18/2012 - 21:27
I actually loved Beast Machines.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/15/2012...
11/15/2012 - 11:18
2002 Lynn is like 2012 Lynn minus any joy/hope and with 10X the anger management issues. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/09/2012...
11/9/2012 - 9:50
The real ones are a little different. I found this photo later:
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/07/2012...
11/7/2012 - 3:43
Some of these won't have alt text, because I just honestly didn't always habe extra stuff to say
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/06/2012...
11/6/2012 - 17:46
Jenna's death occurred weeks after the con, so I will conveniently be not addressing it in this storyline! :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/05/2012...
11/5/2012 - 14:16
It's dead on for an old Wisconsin letters-first license plate, thank you very much. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/31/2012...
10/31/2012 - 16:18
Calvsie - the tags are your friends. All of Will's appearances

He's appeared only in the flashback storylines, but he's been featured prominently in them.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/11/2012...
10/15/2012 - 10:4
You did notice we're talking 2014 and not 2013, right? Most cons don't announce more than a year in advance even if they have a contract with their hotel.

And Unagi Con, if you recall, has borrowed resources from Bork Con before, so there's a closer relationship here.

Maybe the relationships between cons is unique to Wisconsin, but that's the world I know - and there's an interdependence between events there.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/11/2012...
10/14/2012 - 19:49
They could have guessed Bork Con's 2014 date, but they were probably too focused on their own survival.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/11/2012...
10/11/2012 - 6:11
Ummm.. No.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/09/2012...
10/9/2012 - 6:21
That is one of several inspirations :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/27/2012...
10/1/2012 - 13:19
I don't think any of us get paid to run cons -- or at least no one who reads this comic -- but you just said "offering stuff for work," not "offering stuff for working cons." :P

I'm just suggesting you're advocating we all move to a commune in rural Nebraska where we live off the land, stop bathing, get rid of all of our doors, share sandals and play ukeleles all night. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/27/2012...
9/30/2012 - 10:4
So, you don't cash your paycheck? :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/27/2012...
9/28/2012 - 9:11
Most con volunteers just do it for the free admission in my experience -- which is perfectly fine with me.

As long as they show up for their shifts. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/17/2011...
9/27/2012 - 17:36
What just happened here?
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/02/2010...
9/27/2012 - 17:31
Nope, he says "suddenly" twice. :)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/20/2012...
9/20/2012 - 16:28
I think it's kind of a universal experience when dealing with volunteers. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/11/2012...
9/11/2012 - 14:24
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/11/2012...
9/11/2012 - 12:16
Well it's been seven years.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/11/2012...
9/11/2012 - 11:4
Define "on purpose"
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/04/2012...
9/7/2012 - 0:34
Well, and if you go back, you'll note they're only going to be in this hotel for one year - as Max reserved space in a hotel in their home town for 2013 (it's offhandedly mentioned once).
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/04/2012...
9/4/2012 - 12:5
To be fair, we only know that one guy is incompetent. The rest of the hotel staff may be perfectly fine :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/30/2012...
9/1/2012 - 4:55
...did you just reference Real Genius?
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/30/2012...
8/30/2012 - 20:8
I honestly don't remember where I got Ross Philbin's name from (seriously, while he hasn't been in the strip, I created him a while ago).

Paul Carson though got his name from tech writer Paul Carr.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/30/2012...
8/30/2012 - 10:47
I just realized that I named the Anime Funzone guy "Paul" as well.

Apparently, both my "Crazy" vendor and "Crazy" artist are both named Paul now. *facepalm*

Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/30/2012...
8/30/2012 - 6:41
They were random names? I don't know, I can see how they look related, but I came up with them literally months apart from each other.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/28/2012...
8/28/2012 - 14:35
I don't know - the "fake legend" is kind of a classic story, so I was just riffing something quickly.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/23/2012...
8/23/2012 - 13:31
(Also - Langland? Awesome Roy wouldn't Deck Max over a webcomic. That would be completely out of character)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/23/2012...
8/23/2012 - 10:59
Nah, even Max isn't that dumb. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/09/2012...
8/17/2012 - 7:36
Check the alt text for the comic.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/14/2012...
8/14/2012 - 21:30
Bilbo and Awesome Roy have black eyes too
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/14/2012...
8/14/2012 - 19:37
So, by your reasoning Marcus is the only one with a soul?
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/25/2010...
8/9/2012 - 16:35
Look, I don't know about you, but if I find out I've been checking out an underaged girl, I feel like I've been exceptionally creepy.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/09/2012...
8/9/2012 - 6:3
Umm... She IS. A stick figure. She's just wearing a lot of clothes.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/02/2012...
8/3/2012 - 15:44
Never suggested you didn't.

But realize that your experience may not be average.

You know, since you've been on the staff of a con for years.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/02/2012...
8/3/2012 - 11:40
Langland... haven't you noticed that OUR OWN CON requires most volunteers to go through the training every year?
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/31/2012...
7/31/2012 - 0:55
Lynn's every volunteer head for every con ever in this moment. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/10/2012...
7/10/2012 - 18:47
Guys, I've apparently failed as a writer if this has come across as whining or complaining.

She's talking about how it feels weird is all.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/10/2012...
7/10/2012 - 0:41
Not a complaint, merely that it's surreal. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/05/2012...
7/6/2012 - 12:25
Hence the "Awesome Roy and Spooning" link I provided for everyone :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/05/2012...
7/5/2012 - 0:2
Did you not notice the link? :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 06/28/2012...
6/27/2012 - 23:12
Just remember the disclaimer:
Note: While it’s true that many things are based on actual events, the characters contained within this strip are not meant to be direct analogs for actual people. They are not based off of people living, dead, or undead and any resemblance is coincidental. Nor are they based off of Ferrets.

Because that would be weird.
so... I clearly don't know what you're talking about :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 06/26/2012...
6/26/2012 - 12:16
I lack the energy to invent more fake towns. Fake hotels in real places will have to do instead. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 06/19/2012...
6/18/2012 - 23:43
Nope. It's where Awesome Roy did though.

(If you're curious where Max grew up, buy the print edition of Chapter Two and look at his bio :P )
Traegorn commented on the comic for 06/12/2012...
6/12/2012 - 14:3
A year ago Max might have looked to Phil. Maybe.

But not now.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 06/12/2012...
6/12/2012 - 6:5
According to my chart he's at least 22.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 06/05/2012...
6/4/2012 - 23:41
(PS No Spoilers. :P)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 06/05/2012...
6/4/2012 - 23:41
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/31/2012...
5/31/2012 - 6:5
Clearly you've never sat down and read them then. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/08/2012...
5/8/2012 - 0:16
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/03/2012...
5/3/2012 - 14:38
And remember, with Max, this is him 10 years ago. He was way less mature back then.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/03/2012...
5/3/2012 - 8:23
Langland - Max went in mocking. He deserves all the scorn he gets. :P

(This is totally based on one time where I made a "your mom" joke to a guy, and five seconds later remembered his mom was dead)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/01/2012...
5/1/2012 - 6:41
(here's what Max would look like if I drew this comic in the same style as Crosarth)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/01/2012...
5/1/2012 - 6:12
Nick - Max's hair only defies logic in the realm of stick figures. Effectively, Max has "emo hair" if you were to see him realistically.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/24/2012...
4/28/2012 - 18:38
It happens any time you have a closed group of friends really. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/26/2012...
4/26/2012 - 7:7
Did you feed it after midnight? Never feed them after midnight.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/19/2012...
4/19/2012 - 6:17
In truth, she probably didn't care
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/17/2012...
4/17/2012 - 19:34
Depends on the con.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/12/2012...
4/12/2012 - 19:44
Wage Project is a fictional anime series I created so fictional voice actor Troy Harrington could star in something. It's been mentioned in the comice half a dozen times now.

I have a vague premise for it, but nothing worth going over. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/12/2012...
4/12/2012 - 7:8
But being in the middle of staff drama is fun... :P

Glad you're enjoying the comic.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/05/2012...
4/9/2012 - 15:27
Tara's the kind of person to stay to the bitter end of a con (and she grew up locally, so it would have been easy to do - remember, she attended the con for years prior to joining staff).

At the very least Max would have assumed she had heard it there, because as one of the senior convention staff (Treasurer) she was involved in the 2011 closing ceremonies herself.

Which means she was sitting next to him when he talked about it.

She just wasn't paying attention. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/05/2012...
4/6/2012 - 19:49
I assure you she's been present for multiple closing ceremonies. :P /wordofgod
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/05/2012...
4/6/2012 - 6:35
Veronica is highly motivated.

There's only so much counter space in the hotel room bathroom.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/03/2012...
4/3/2012 - 6:22
Veronica is really only mean to two characters. She doesn't have a problem with Lynn.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/29/2012...
3/29/2012 - 8:1
Kellin tweeted out one of the lyrics the other day and it's been looping in my head since.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/29/2012...
3/29/2012 - 6:47
No, I just keep forgetting to DO things with them.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/27/2012...
3/27/2012 - 6:59
Glad you're enjoying it!
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/22/2012...
3/22/2012 - 23:45
The funny thing is I have an updated copy too. Maybe I should just donate the thing. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/22/2012...
3/22/2012 - 12:36
By the way Meep, I still have your copy of Drawing Down the Moon. Which I borrowed like a decade ago.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/22/2012...
3/22/2012 - 10:1
Anyone who has ever seen the thing once knows what it is :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/22/2012...
3/21/2012 - 23:40
(On the other hand, Marcus was originally a total author avatar, which is why he's just a recurring character and not part of the main cast)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/22/2012...
3/21/2012 - 23:38
Lynn's religion is a carry over from Full Circle. It was put into her back story mainly because Marcus, the character originally based off of me, is an atheist, and I wanted to leave the door open to explore my own actual faith.

...and once I establish something as canon, even if no one can check it, it bothers me to change it.

So no, Lynn's neither a self insert, author avatar, nor a "mary sue" (and you're kind of using that term wrong)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/20/2012...
3/20/2012 - 10:41
Welcome to the internet, Nick. :P

Awkward Penguin
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/16/2012...
2/23/2012 - 13:14
My rule of thumb is that if cool stuff isn't happening, make it happen.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/07/2012...
2/8/2012 - 5:49
Nah man, Inu Yasha. By day three, reality has no meaning.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/31/2012...
1/31/2012 - 6:41
...Not currently?

Yes this was mildly based on StrDexCon though.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/26/2012...
1/26/2012 - 6:18
Something close to this, yes.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/19/2012...
1/19/2012 - 6:6
The con hasn't disappeared in this case... Things are never that simple :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/10/2012...
1/10/2012 - 6:32
For year one it was just the single sheet, yeah. I remember doing them myself. We didn't have a lot of stuff year one - no program guide, no t-shirts, no Sunday... :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/27/2011...
12/26/2011 - 23:29
Just because she still doesn't like Max doesn't mean she wants her boyfriend to talk about the guy all the time.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/20/2011...
12/19/2011 - 23:59
Some things are best left unsaid, Langland... *sigh*
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/08/2011...
12/8/2011 - 11:41
Is Ray... Awesome?
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/08/2011...
12/8/2011 - 6:4
Sounds like an opportune moment for fan art to me :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/06/2011...
12/6/2011 - 12:47
I know I have succeeded as a writer when I can get people to worry about whether or not they've offended fake people I've invented :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/01/2011...
12/2/2011 - 19:7
Nah, I just mentioned it once during a meeting ice breaker where we had to say a few of our hobbies. Also, I get along with my coworkers, and when I take time off of work (which doesn't happen often) they ask why -- and usually it's because my wife and I are going to a con -- so I tell them.

It also helps that when I still worked in the office I wore con shirts a lot :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/01/2011...
12/1/2011 - 16:39
The people in my office know my convention exists... so, y'know, that's actually kind of normal from my point of view. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/01/2011...
11/30/2011 - 23:16
Yeah, that's a typo. I write those captions really quickly... But I think I'm going to leave it. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/30/2011...
11/30/2011 - 0:19
Thanks guys. :)

I have a lot of thoughts on this storyline, and I'll write up a blog entry about it after I get some sleep. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/29/2011...
11/29/2011 - 15:47
Wow man, just wow... At least I feel like the massive character page is justified now :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/29/2011...
11/29/2011 - 8:57
Kitty - There's a second bedroom in the apartment (that Lynn had previously set up as an office). There's a Futon in that room as well, but Megan apparently slept in the living room instead. I did think of this, I just didn't think it was important enough to explicitly state in the strip.

Calvsie - Jeff is just a coworker of Lynn's. In this strip we move from the morning to later in the day when Lynn is done with work.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/23/2011...
11/24/2011 - 12:43
Megan got sidelined for a while, yeah. I think before this storyline she gets talked about almost as often as she appeared - that's why I tried to insert her during the Bork Con storyline, and had Lynn talk about them moving in together with Marcus during the con. many M names... Geh.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/23/2011...
11/24/2011 - 0:24
Really? I mean, both Max and Megan have appeared on panel at the same time on multiple occasions.

Megan called Lynn from work about Max in last Monday's strip even...

Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/22/2011...
11/21/2011 - 23:11
Jerkface is just my favorite insult word - yes I nicknamed a character that, but like fanboy and Stubble Guy, it's not his ACTUAL name.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/18/2011...
11/18/2011 - 10:55
She's kind of right here though :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/15/2011...
11/15/2011 - 16:46
Did you just equate studying Philosophy to being a bullshit artist?

Protip: Things yelled by drunk guys in an attempt to start a fight may not be the best things to take to heart. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/14/2011...
11/13/2011 - 23:15
Langland - this week of comics will inject a little humor. Three weeks of straight angst and depression would be bad.

Vanessa - We're post Bork Con (which took place in August in the timeline). I Hate November takes place between November 10th and 11th 2011.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/10/2011...
11/10/2011 - 9:46
A physical fight? No.

It's already a verbal fight though.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/27/2011...
11/8/2011 - 23:10
Dear lord... I couldn't do that.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/08/2011...
11/8/2011 - 20:31
I never thought of that.

Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/08/2011...
11/7/2011 - 23:2
...okay, I'll admit it.

This one is a little funny...
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/07/2011...
11/7/2011 - 9:34
Yeah... This isn't that.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/04/2011...
11/4/2011 - 14:54
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/03/2011...
11/3/2011 - 0:17
You probably shouldn't tell people that, Paul...
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/03/2011...
11/2/2011 - 23:10
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/01/2011...
11/1/2011 - 5:44
It's not alcoholism - apparently everyone's forgotten that Lynn goes to NA (Narcotics Anonymous) meetings.

Lynn doesn't drink, true, but alcohol wasn't her problem.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/01/2011...
10/31/2011 - 23:43
(Also, Chapter 3 is going to involve a lot of flashbacking, so the non serious parts of her back story will get fleshed out then too.)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/01/2011...
10/31/2011 - 23:41
The extreme cliff notes version over the next couple of days, yeah. I originally was going to go much deeper, but I figured three pages of monologuing was already pretty high. :P

Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/31/2011...
10/31/2011 - 13:35
Just remember, if you hate it, things go back to normal in a month no matter what. :P

Likewise, if you love it more than the normal strip, tough crackers -- because things go back to normal in a month no matter what. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/31/2011...
10/30/2011 - 23:37
We're time skipping from August to November here, yes.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/20/2011...
10/27/2011 - 0:19
You hit the nail on the head, Mr. Anderson. :)

I've been watching people's reactions to Scrappy, and while Scrappy has sometimes done the wrong thing (like the Awesome Roy situation), for the most part he's been kind of crapped on. I've been surprised with how some people don't understand his point of view, really.

I write our leads to be likable but flawed. They do not always do the right thing, and their point of view is very specific. Think about the fact that Veronica, who has truly been unreasonable to Tara admittedly, has been elected to a high position in the con. Other people MUST like her, or else that wouldn't happen. And maybe she's been cruel to Tara because not long after she and Max broke up, Max started spending all his time with Tara (if you pay attention to Veronica's first appearance, the breakup is mentioned as being recent). Considering how young Tara is, isn't it reasonable to assume that this may have hurt Veronica even more?

Sure, Veronica has still been unreasonable, but she's at least understandable. What I'm saying is that like all things in life, you have to try and see it from both sides - and just because you like someone doesn't make them always right. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/20/2011...
10/20/2011 - 6:18
Well I think hou underestimate how much he hates being called "Scrappy" :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/13/2011...
10/14/2011 - 16:39
Every hotel is different, and our current hotel with its current management would never respond like that... But things haven't always been that nice.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/13/2011...
10/13/2011 - 5:44
I want to be clear that I'm mixing elements of multiple real events (at multiple hotels) for this story, but yes - a hotel once did respond like this to an issue this sized.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/11/2011...
10/11/2011 - 9:37
Would you if you hadn't seen it for yourself?
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/04/2011...
10/4/2011 - 12:12
You mean that sort of thing doesn't happen at the cons you go to? :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/05/2011...
9/30/2011 - 11:56
It's the best game no one's ever heard of. :)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/29/2011...
9/29/2011 - 18:20
He hasn't liked Max since day one.

There's more than one reason, and he'll detail his issues soon.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/29/2011...
9/29/2011 - 6:35
Scrappy isn't going to get kicked off of Staff... Or at least that's not in the plans.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/31/2010...
9/22/2011 - 6:9
Yeah... That's not who this is. She said DBZ, not DBZ Kai...
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/15/2011...
9/20/2011 - 12:14
I'd rather it not be posted here. Really, we've all gotten too specific... I mean, I changed the names and a couple of details because even in my glee mocking this guy, I just want to make fun of him - not ruin his day.

It's a comic, not a crusade. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/20/2011...
9/20/2011 - 9:5
I'm sure he could have found a different shirt.

(also, happy Birthday)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/20/2011...
9/20/2011 - 5:36
Calvsie - you should PM me and let me know what you THOUGHT it was about, as I'm kind of curious. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/15/2011...
9/19/2011 - 19:29
I don't want to directly comment on the real situation, but many of said con's staff read this comic - including their con chair. I wouldn't bother talking to their security team, but do whatcha want.

As for "how this is handled," the model you're describing is a far more complicated one than most Anime cons in Wisconsin use - especially a 1500 attendee con like the one in this strip. The fictional Bork Con uses a model similar to the convention I cofounded, No Brand Con, and you may find my fifteen years of Con staffing - a decade of which were spent running my own event from scratch - lacking, but hey, I'm 31. It's what I've got.

While we have seen a vendor head, Gary, in the strip, the vendor has directly approached Max. Max is the Con Director (equivalent to Con Chair), and has the authority during the con to make any required executive decisions. If the vendor had approached the Vendor Head, the Vendor Head would have consulted with Max anyways.

The vendor has asked that another vendor, in this case the fictional Skylar Games, be removed from the event. The proposed offense is merely that one of the vendor's workers is wearing a political T-shirt (this is a little different than the real situation this parodies - but is close enough). As this is not prohibited in either the general con rules or the vendor contract (as a simple statement opposing a politician isn't classified as Hate Speech), demanding the removal of Skylar Games isn't something that can be done without violating the contract with Skylar Games.

Max, politely I might add, informed Paul from Anime Funzone of this.

If you think obfuscation is the best approach, I can only be skeptical towards what kind of relationship those cons have with their attendees and vendors. Transparency is king, and directness appreciated in my experience.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/15/2011...
9/19/2011 - 11:55
Can I point out the "let's not get into this" on the previous comic was put there because I was afraid a lot of my audience would use it as an opportunity to bash republicans?

The real Funzone guy is a dick. I've known it for years.

I only learned what his political affiliations were a week and a half ago when he made it an issue. :P

The story is meant to be about how this ONE GUY is crazy, not an indictment of a political philosophy.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/15/2011...
9/19/2011 - 11:30
As for abandoned tables: Most con vendor contracts have terms regarding table abandonment and the con being allowed to resell them, at least at the cons I've worked.

Secondly: the only reason the character is a Republican or that Gov. Walker was the issue was because THAT'S WHAT REALLY HAPPENED.

I'm sorry that offends you, but it's true. The character in the strip has actually been more polite than the real person he's based on as well.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/15/2011...
9/18/2011 - 15:27
This isn't about the character being republican.

This is about him demanding someone else being kicked out of the con because they expressed a different political belief even.

Also, what you may not know, is that these particular strips are based off of a very real incident which recently occurred, and I have not exaggerated the actions of the vendor in the story.

I often lift real incidents in their entirety and just change the names and put them in the strip. That's all that's happened here.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/15/2011...
9/16/2011 - 12:13
I think the question is more "why do some PEOPLE get so weird."
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/15/2011...
9/15/2011 - 9:25
Stubble Anime was at Bork Con 2010 as well reference link
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/13/2011...
9/13/2011 - 15:58
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/13/2011...
9/13/2011 - 9:47
Why Terence, I do not know what you're talking about. That's one amazing coincidence. ;-)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/30/2011...
8/30/2011 - 8:46
Well yes. I was more referring to "in the hotel bar at the end of the day, with the guest" - not at 3pm. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/30/2011...
8/30/2011 - 5:41
Drinking before your shift ending is how you'd get kicked off of one of my staffs.

Unless you're Guest Liason.

Then it's kind of expected.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/25/2011...
8/25/2011 - 11:58
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/16/2011...
8/16/2011 - 11:41
Well, to be fair, Scrappy has been at every meeting. He's just doin' his job.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/11/2011...
8/11/2011 - 8:18
I don't think I was being critical of anyone here really.

Of course, you seem to have inferred that these events actually happened, to which I must respond that I have no idea what you're talking about. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/04/2011...
8/5/2011 - 8:50
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/04/2011...
8/4/2011 - 23:20
Dammit! I'll fix that in the morning when I'm on my computer.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/02/2011...
8/4/2011 - 18:11
We've done online and offline at my con over they years. I like doing it online, but you need a hard copy backup.

Which Tara thought she'd be able to do.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/28/2011...
8/3/2011 - 14:2
Fictional guy who looks like me is just a volunteer. Volunteers are required to be trained, regardless of experience.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 08/02/2011...
8/3/2011 - 14:1
Yeah... Well the. You're waaaay more prepared than I am. :P

To be fair, Tara had been counting on the ability to use a digital check in system that uses the internet. She's only having problems because the hotel wifi is down so they can't use it.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/28/2011...
7/29/2011 - 14:19
Langland, check the crowd in last year's comic.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/21/2011...
7/21/2011 - 18:20
Langland - ummm... No. The map ends up being slightly wrong almost every year.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/19/2011...
7/19/2011 - 22:48
There are lots of Garys in the world, Paul.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/19/2011...
7/19/2011 - 14:9
I had to actually go back and tag Gary in his earlier appearances because of this strip. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/12/2011...
7/14/2011 - 0:16
It gets really important during 24 hour cons, when something happens at 4am and you've only got a skeleton staff. Clear authority about who can make what decision really kicks in when 90% of your senior staff is asleep.

Department/Track heads still run their departments, but it means they can focus on making sure their own events function, and not have to, say, hunt down a rogue volunteer... Or call 911.

I also have a personal distaste for dedicated security staff. Don't get me wrong, I've known some great guys who do con security - and they do it well - but I prefer a holistic, integrated approach for medium sized cons... But if you do that, you absolutely NEED a floor manager.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/12/2011...
7/12/2011 - 18:4
The floor manager is effectively the active staff member "in charge" at any given moment. The role is filled by a high level (or in Phil's case former high level) staffer. They make sure all staff and volunteers are where they're supposed to be, as well as handle any problems. If there's a problem or emergency, they have the authority to deal with it.

This role is sometimes called Manager on Duty in some other cons

It's a really common role in midwest cons, not just anime ones.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/05/2011...
7/5/2011 - 0:43
They're just doing the first step -- stuffing envelopes with generic letters.

Each envelope must also be mailing labelled, have the member specific letter placed in it, have the correct postage affixed, have the return address stamped on it, be double checked prior to sealing, and finally be sealed.

So a full letter is assembled by at least eight people (not counting the one to two people printing out more stuff while the assembly line runs - and there's likely someone coordinating as well).

Of course, the first fifty always take more time than the last hundred and fifty, as you have to build the rhythm. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 06/21/2011...
6/21/2011 - 21:45
Glad you're enjoying it. :)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 06/16/2011...
6/16/2011 - 10:54
If you find Lynn's apartment, I guarantee you can have some trail mix. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 06/09/2011...
6/9/2011 - 14:23
Oh god I'm so confused right now...
Traegorn commented on the comic for 06/09/2011...
6/9/2011 - 10:20
Has anyone ever hit a deer on the way home from the grocery store?
Traegorn commented on the comic for 06/07/2011...
6/7/2011 - 6:44
Thanks for catching that. I've rewritten the word bubble now. :)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/31/2011...
5/31/2011 - 11:56
It's just a small room.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/26/2011...
5/26/2011 - 8:18
Famous last words :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/19/2011...
5/20/2011 - 12:36
See the previous strip, and just assume things have escalated. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/19/2011...
5/19/2011 - 10:49
I think you underestimate how often I want to hit people. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/19/2011...
5/19/2011 - 9:50
It's called hyperbole for comic effect, Langland.

This isn't real, it's a comic.
This isn't real, it's a comic.
This isn't real, it's a comic. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/17/2011...
5/17/2011 - 7:47
Yes Langland, it is.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/12/2011...
5/12/2011 - 0:26
When I was like five, I used to end up riding in the back of my Dad's piano store's truck while my little brother rode in the seat.

...I'm still a bit shocked that my Dad did that in retrospect. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/10/2011...
5/10/2011 - 9:35
Yeah, but while it's okay to bring a baby to a con, a two week old is a BIT young. :P

Also, we've never seen Patty do anything convnetion related, so she just might not like cons in general.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 05/03/2011...
5/3/2011 - 22:17
(For those unaware, Scrotorius is referencing the No Brand Con surveys)

My favorite of those was the one that blamed us for him being sick and was full of expletives.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/28/2011...
4/28/2011 - 8:56
Sometimes students pull them down. It also depends on the hall, how lazy the RA is, and the culture of the school.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/28/2011...
4/28/2011 - 6:37
It's not. Lynn picked Tara up from outside her res. hall at the beginning of this year's Yakisoba Con storyline.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/26/2011...
4/26/2011 - 9:58
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/19/2011...
4/19/2011 - 21:44
That's the only problem with the twice a week update schedule and a cast this size. Heck, Sunny was meant to be a much larger character, but we haven't seen her in a looooong time.

Scrappy's storyline is going to be an interesting one though, so expect to see more of him over time. :)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/14/2011...
4/14/2011 - 12:37
That would require Lynn to go to a bar, which isn't going to happen. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/07/2011...
4/13/2011 - 9:28
See, that's just weird to me.

One of the reasons I was first attracted to my wife was that she was geeky about a lot of the same stuff that I was.

I dated some non-geeks prior to meeting her, and I can definitely say that geek women beat non-geek women any day.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/12/2011...
4/12/2011 - 0:23
Eh, this is probably where we'll leave Jerkface (my official name for him -- check the tags), as he's caught in a trap constructed by his own twisted worldview.

He's in a position where he has to either admit to being wrong, or he has to consider himself a "failure" as a man. The normal reaction for him should be rage, but he also knows Lynn can beat the snot out of him if she wants to.

I think the self inflicted humiliation being compounded on him is the only karmic punishment needed.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 04/07/2011...
4/7/2011 - 9:25
That's actually a pretty good call on the games in the background. I was going for Mario 3 and a generic fighting game, so you're effectively dead on.

As for the behaviour of Jerkface, it's becoming less common, but I've still seen some idiots act like that at cons in the VGRs.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/29/2011...
3/30/2011 - 0:40
Thanks. My real question is whether or not people like the new word balloons though. :)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/25/2010...
3/22/2011 - 10:54
I still find looking creepy.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/22/2011...
3/22/2011 - 8:9
I don't think Tara's the one who needs to learn anything in this situation.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/17/2011...
3/18/2011 - 9:31
What, the "No Light Beer" sign didn't tip you off? It took the R. Crumb stuff? :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/15/2011...
3/15/2011 - 10:38
...that's not supposed to be me.

Pro-tip: My self inserts are always wearing my hat.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/10/2011...
3/10/2011 - 9:1
The Durango is loosely based on a real place, where that sign in reality sits.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/08/2011...
3/8/2011 - 10:32
I like to think the two of them are both singing off key -- in completely different ones.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 03/01/2011...
3/1/2011 - 15:46
Just some trivia: This entire storyline has taken place outside of Con meetings. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/24/2011...
2/24/2011 - 17:57
My con's staff doesn't have a Veronica on it... anymore. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/17/2011...
2/17/2011 - 13:6
It's outside my old apartment, actually.

About 50% of the Apartment buildings in Eau Claire have that design though.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/15/2011...
2/15/2011 - 10:50
Oh Langland... just because some members of staff think someone's crazy, doesn't mean there aren't people who disagree.

There are multiple social sub-cliques in every con staff. You've been seeing Veronica from the point of view of Max, Max's current girlfriend, and Max's two best friends. Of COURSE they think she's crazy - and YES she has been acting out of hand towards them. There's no doubt their view is easily justified.

But what you haven't seen is her interactions with OTHER people. While Veronica may be treating our main characters like crap, she may be really nice to everyone else. And when groups (like the fictional Bork Con) elect their leaders, they see a person who interacted with them positively and did their previous job fine.

And, frankly, if Max went around saying "Veronica is a crazy b*tch," he'd just look like he was bashing his ex-girlfriend to everyone else.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/10/2011...
2/10/2011 - 12:28
I have a very serious side. It just doesn't come out that much when I'm having fun.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/08/2011...
2/8/2011 - 10:58
That's what text messages look like on an iPhone.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/27/2011...
2/2/2011 - 20:41
What happened to the other 1/4 of the console? :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 02/01/2011...
2/2/2011 - 7:35
Why? If you have three con staffs with equipment at a hotel, with vendors who want to try to make their money back (as a canceled hotel room at that point they'd still have to pay for) - this seems like the most logical outcome.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/25/2011...
1/27/2011 - 10:17
Isn't living in Nebraska punishment enough for living in Nebraska?
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/27/2011...
1/27/2011 - 9:0
Actually, I think Bork Con is just saving on storage space by using Maggie's van...
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/25/2011...
1/26/2011 - 13:13
I know it is. It's also the state animal because of the copper miners who were referred to as Badgers moreso than the prevalence of actual animals in the state.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/25/2011...
1/26/2011 - 6:40
I think you're confusing Badgers with Beavers. Badgers are burrowers.

(Also, Calvsie -- I know you're were making a UW joke, but Shiitake Con takes place in Minnesota)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/20/2011...
1/20/2011 - 12:37
Fix'd. Thanks Langland.

Cheesus - a phone would require a person to dial it. And you'll notice there are quite a few people who showed up looking for the con... and it's not as far fetched as you might think.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/20/2011...
1/20/2011 - 6:41
I do not understand your comment on any level.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/18/2011...
1/18/2011 - 0:37
I've never been in a situation THIS bad (although there was one pretty close to this).
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/11/2011...
1/11/2011 - 12:16
I learned to drive in a 1986 Mercury Grand Marquis - they really are great cars. That V8 with rear wheel drive was honestly a lot of fun to drive. I honestly miss that car -- it was a nightmare in winter, but still.

Mine was the standard 5.0 Windsor V8, but I figured since there was a (rarely sold) 5.8L V8 availaible in the 86... well, that would be Lynn's.

Also mine was silver - where I made Lynn's the same red as the one from the car chase in To Live and Die in L.A. (which was probably an 84 or 85, but the exterior body would be identical)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 01/06/2011...
1/6/2011 - 9:3
Henry Mentalo keeps trying to get me to pay him to contact my Grandmother for me.

I keep telling him "But neither of my Grandmothers are dead"

And he keeps saying "Yeah, that's why it'll be easy to do - by the way, what's your Grandmother's phone number?"
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/30/2010...
12/31/2010 - 11:51
Actually, meeting your dad when Crysta and I first started going out wasn't that bad - he was perfectly friendly. I think the only thing the fictional Mr. Pryzbl has in common with your father is the possession of a shotgun. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/30/2010...
12/30/2010 - 12:45
It's that much of a pause. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/30/2010...
12/30/2010 - 11:16
I disagree.

They were very necessary. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/02/2010...
12/29/2010 - 10:6
It's been bothering me that no one has ever caught the Star Wars reference in this strip.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/16/2010...
12/28/2010 - 14:11
It's for that exact reason that when I wanted to create my "Nightmare Guest" I invented Troy Harrington instead of going to anyone real (as I have for most of the other jokes involving guests)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/28/2010...
12/28/2010 - 6:38
Simple, you just kick them out. You check IDs at registration, and give the reg workers a list of those not allowed to come in. In truth, I've never been banned from anything in my life, but I can only imagine that if I started punching people it would happen. :P

Alex -- the Go-Mega-Con thing was a fairly large plot point. It's the whole reason Tiffany Grant was mad at Max, remember? Go back to this strip.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/16/2010...
12/16/2010 - 13:11
(I also like how for a few hours a bug in my software thought Langland was a Woman Harvard Graduate...)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/16/2010...
12/16/2010 - 10:41
I was going to say no, No Brand Con hasn't had mayhem like this ever break out.

But then I remembered something from like 2005... Yeeeaahhh...

Nothing as bad as the strip, but we're imperfect people. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/14/2010...
12/14/2010 - 21:55
Oh, I know. I'm naming The Scrappy before we even get started with him. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/07/2010...
12/7/2010 - 12:53
What, the background image?
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/07/2010...
12/7/2010 - 10:22
It's actually a lot more complex than that Langland (and as a person who worked staff on a con I was the director for, I hope you're joking :P)

Even though you aren't doing a lot of the work, you have to not only make sure that other people are doing things, but actually know what those departments are supposed to be doing at any given moment.

Hell, the month before the con may be the most time consuming part, but it's also the easiest. Knowing what to do say, six months before the con... that's hard.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/02/2010...
12/2/2010 - 8:49
Actually, I was just skipping over the three months of dead time that cons I've worked usually have. No Brand Con doesn't really do anything in June, July or August for example. It's hard to make con planning jokes when they wouldn't be planning the con yet.

(Also, it lets us get back to "Current time" in the strip, without getting sidetracked by the several month time delay)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 12/02/2010...
12/2/2010 - 5:38
It's Max's apartment. And yes... that's a lamp.

And we sort of needed the time jump, since the first two panels were still in August. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/30/2010...
11/30/2010 - 15:24

Langland -- Tara had a crush on Max since the beginning of the strip. Hints were dropped several times PRIOR to the events at Unagi Con even.

So... to summarize the story so far, Tara had a crush on Max. At Unagi Con, when Max was drunk, Tara made a move on Max and they slept together. With all the angst and public pressure that immediately followed a few hours later, Tara effectively ran away from the whole thing. Max, of course, likes Tara but wasn't sure what to do -- so he did nothing. Now, several months later, Tara has kissed Max.

There's nothing easy about it at all. Very few of my actual relationships were anywhere near this complicated.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/30/2010...
11/30/2010 - 11:45
Max is fairly surprised too.

Although I think it's fair to say we've been building to this for a very long time. It's not like they didn't sleep together a few months prior (remember, it's still August in the strip)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/25/2010...
11/27/2010 - 0:31
Not so much hot, as normal. There will always be a need for accountants.

Also, it's not an uncommon major for a Con Treasurer to be pursuing.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/23/2010...
11/23/2010 - 8:13
It's not that he's bald... it's that he's a background generic staffer.

If you dig through the strips, you can find at least three different "meetings" where a "generic" is sitting next to Max.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/18/2010...
11/21/2010 - 9:27
This one's not that hard when you figure out what the address of the corresponding real location is. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/18/2010...
11/18/2010 - 10:41
Well, I actually could make them look about a thousand times nicer, but if I made them look too nice, they'd contrast with the rest of the strip.

Considering this is based off of an actual location too, I wanted to get the feel right. When I do backgrounds like this, it takes about five times longer to do the comic. This is why the Tuesday comic had so much re-used artwork (so I could make the time to do this one)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/16/2010...
11/16/2010 - 12:10
Actually, no - Megan is just a straight forward love interest for Lynn. I have a storyline planned for this, but I haven't decided *when* I want it to play out.

The massive time slow down of the past few months has made it hard to execute their story (It's still August in UnCONventional as Bork Con only ended a few days ago for the characters)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/11/2010...
11/11/2010 - 18:52
Yeah, this plot is going to be a little based off of that. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/04/2010...
11/4/2010 - 15:49
I debate whether or not Cheesy was tall. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/04/2010...
11/4/2010 - 10:5
Not true. Vinnk is short. Cecil is not a tall man either. Neil? Average height. Mike was short too.

In fact, most of the con directors I've met have been of a pretty normal height.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 11/02/2010...
11/2/2010 - 12:9
I was going to say -- Phil's not leaving the cast.

Brian apparently is though. Whoever the hell he was. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/28/2010...
10/28/2010 - 11:1
Wow - what a bitter, pessimistic view you have there.

We've gotten a lot of good feedback over the years. It's lets us know what people liked and didn't like. I've been a part of the closing Ceremonies panel at No Brand Con for most of its existence, and while we have to say no to some ideas, we do consider a lot of what's said.

What also happens at closing ceremonies is that when we have to say no to an idea it allows us to explain WHY we don't do something. Understanding why things happen is important.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/26/2010...
10/27/2010 - 4:41
WE haven't.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/21/2010...
10/21/2010 - 18:31
She does. Precisely because this happens if she doesn't :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/19/2010...
10/19/2010 - 5:1
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/12/2010...
10/12/2010 - 9:9
I just imagine that it's hard to run in those boots.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/05/2010...
10/5/2010 - 11:5
Well I was one of the ushers in the earlier scene, and it was the easiest way to show that the two different usher snippets were different people, since most of the other ushers were "generics." :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 10/05/2010...
10/5/2010 - 9:20
To be fair, he's narrating the seating ahead of time.

To himself. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/30/2010...
9/30/2010 - 23:49
SlitheryDee: Yep - that's totally me in my hat. :)

If you go back to Lynn training the Volunteers in the "Thursday Night" portion of the story, you can find me in that crowd too.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/30/2010...
9/30/2010 - 11:54
Actually, it isn't. I have a floorplan for the fictional hotel Bork Con is being held in (so I could be consistant), it just happens to have two doors at the one end of their main events hall like the Eau Claire Ramada.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/30/2010...
9/30/2010 - 10:37
Crowd management at things like this is... well... an experience. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/28/2010...
9/29/2010 - 7:48
Well Langland, when a man and a woman love each other very much... a webcomic artist comes up with a storyline and writes in things he believes make sense. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/28/2010...
9/28/2010 - 19:35
Umm... I have a lot of friends with kids Langland -- including two of the co-founders of No Brand Con.

It wouldn't be out of the ordinary for someone like Phil to become a dad.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/23/2010...
9/27/2010 - 23:35
He left me a very angry, two page survey that I plan on framing.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/23/2010...
9/23/2010 - 6:15
Oh Langland... never underestimate the determination of someone like this...

Okay, in truth this is comic is where we'll wrap this up -- but you should imagine that Max's conversation with this guy took a half hour and just went in circles... I'm just not going to make the readership sit through it. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/23/2010...
9/23/2010 - 0:33
In truth? I'm not sure. I didn't bother checking every Anime DVD the guy had, and I have a hard time remembering who is in what series. It's just that I used the fictional "Wage Project" series as the example in the previous strip, and I've already established that Troy Harrington stars in that show. Originally, when I scripted it, that last line wasn't in there. Max just told off the vendor... but I decided I liked this ending better.

Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/21/2010...
9/21/2010 - 13:36
No. In truth, most vendors are great. I've made friends with quite a few vendors over the years, and they are for the most part honest, hardworking people who love the con scene and would never dream of ripping off their customers.

There are a few bad apples though. And when you catch those few with bootlegs, almost always their first response will be "That isn't bootleg."

In the case that this strip is based off of (of which it is not even an exaggeration), we were dealing with a special kind of jackassery which is rarely seen.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/21/2010...
9/21/2010 - 9:7
Well, for the record Langland, if you're working a con and you see someone selling bootlegs, you should inform either the Vendor head or the current Floor Manager. The Merchandise Head I'm sure has other things to worry about. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/21/2010...
9/21/2010 - 6:25
(Convincing bootlegs are always a pain, but honestly - this guy was too funny not to put into the strip)
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/21/2010...
9/21/2010 - 6:20
Except that he's insane. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/14/2010...
9/14/2010 - 9:58
Not that hard, no. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/09/2010...
9/9/2010 - 6:12
Comment box should be better now.

I haven't had a chance to test it on a windows machine yet -- but I think I've solved the problem. :P
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/07/2010...
9/8/2010 - 20:45
The N.A. before it are kind of the key part.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 09/07/2010...
9/8/2010 - 11:25
Umm... it's a little bit different Langland.
Traegorn commented on the comic for 07/10/2010...
8/31/2010 - 17:26
This is a test

Trae Dorn
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The Chronicles of Crosarth - a webcomic of Steampunk Adventure, updated Mon & Wed
UnCONventional - A Webcomic about Conventions, Updated Tuesdays and Thursdays
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